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Friday, January 28, 2022

7 Engagement Ring Selling Techniques That Jewelers Must Master

These are must-have skills for anyone involved in selling jewelry. 

A young couple where the woman is being proposed to by her partner.

There truly is an art to selling jewelry, more so when it comes to selling engagement rings. It’s more than just an act of selling a piece of jewelry with a shiny stone as its centerpiece—because there’s a lot of meaning attached to the item, selling it involves an appeal to the buyer’s emotions and that requires a special skill. 

Jewelry selling begins during its presentation. It starts at the point when an exquisite jewelry display captures an inquisitive onlooker who happened to chance upon it while showcased on a jewelry shop’s window display. Once they make their inquiry about the item that captured their fancy then the selling begins. At this point, the jeweler must use their acquired knowledge about the product to make the sale. 

Engagement ring shoppers are different altogether. They’ve done their research and often have an idea of what they want in mind. Your duty then is to match or even exceed their expectations and that requires an understanding of the significance of said purchase and item.

Here are some important things you need to remember during an engagement ring sales presentation:

1. Handle the ring with care.

Part of your presentation should highlight the preciousness of the engagement ring you are showcasing to the shopper. While you can talk about the characteristics of its parts and the stones and metals on display, the way you handle the merchandise can speak volumes of its value beyond its looks or source.

Treat whatever you present with care and that means using tools such as display pads and wearing gloves while handling the merchandise so you don’t leave imprints or sweat on the ring’s surface.

2. Probe but don’t be too nosy.

Most engagement ring shoppers already have a clear ring design in mind, so it’s important to ask for details to help them narrow down the selection. But it won’t help your cause if you get too nosy with your customers. Let them get into the nitty-gritty of what they have in mind just by actively listening. They would often venture into some storytelling  as their choices may have some significance in their lives (“I would like a pink diamond as its centerpiece because it’s her favorite color.”), so just listen closely and take note of the details. Make sure you two are on the same page by politely clarifying details that seem unclear to you.

While your goal is to make a sale, don’t treat it as such (or at least not overtly). Instead, be their sounding board who will listen and try to fulfill their desires for a special piece of jewelry.

A couple of wedding rings on display.

3. Highlight features that will appeal to the ring’s recipient.

Once you’ve taken the time to take note of the customer’s preferences and remember details in the stories they share, you can now proceed to make your recommendations.

Beyond their color preferences, some details that are of importance are their daily habits and professions. Do they involve themselves in physical activities that require the use of their hands a lot such as gardening or housework? It may be best to recommend a ring with a modestly-sized gemstone and a simple band.

Aside from that, another way to win over a customer is to share interesting anecdotes about the ring you are presenting. Share stories of how it was crafted or if it has a unique history that enhances its perceived value and allure. Gemstones, in particular, are known to have cultural symbolism and  “powers” attached to them so you better be ready to whip out a trivia or two during your presentation.

4. Treat them like guests of honor at your store.

At this point, you may already be building a rapport with your customer. You can build upon that rapport by graciously offering them services that will make them feel at home at your store.

Ideally, engagement ring and wedding ring presentations should be conducted away from the main floor of the store; best if they are conducted in a private room but a discreet corner can do if there are no rooms. Make it an area conducive for a chat and observation so a comfy couch paired with a nice presentation table is a must. Adequate lighting and temperature (cool but not too cold) are also important to put them at ease. Extend an offer for light treats and refreshments so they can truly feel pampered during the presentation and selection parts of the jewelry selling process.

5. Proceed with caution when it comes to money talk.

It’s never a good idea to ask the customer directly about their budget while you’re making your pitch. Instead, it’s best to use your expert’s judgment on this one. Based on the information you’ve gathered from the customer, you can simply make three recommendations of varying price points so they can select themselves the ring that fits according to their budget.

6. Remember to mention additional services that your jewelry store offers.

Some engagement ring customers make the choice to design their own rings, and so if your business offers such services then it’s important to let the customer right away. Other services that you can pitch to customers are engraving services, ring/finger measurements, rhodium plating, and polishing. If you offer items such as ring display tools then remember to mention those to help boost your chances of a closed sale.

7. Be friendly and helpful.

When selling jewelry, especially the kind like that of an engagement ring where a lot is at stake, having someone who is there to give advice and support is truly essential. To have someone that’s not only knowledgeable but also empathetic to the needs of customers is truly an asset for any jewelry shop and so it’s something that everyone involved in jewelry sales should imbibe and practice.

Engagement and wedding ring shopping are monumental events for shoppers. Developing the techniques outlined here not only will be an opportunity for jewelry employees to upskill, but it’s also another way of showing excellent customer service to the business’ customers.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

7 Smart Tips for Organizing Your Jewelry Workspace

Find your beads, strings, and stones in a flash with these tips.

Close up shot of a pair of hands working on a bracelet.

Imagine yourself getting hit by a burst of inspiration for a new jewelry design. Excitedly, you rush to sketch your idea, and feeling pleased with yourself you decide to make it right then and there. Alas, you couldn’t find any of the materials you need!

While this is a frustrating scenario, it is not exactly unheard of. Indeed, it is very easy to lose track of things if you don’t have a system for organizing your tools and supplies in the first place. While having a neat and well-designed jewelry display is important to any jewelry business, it all starts with the creative process, and creating jewelry begins with having all the essentials ready and in place. A functional workspace where every tool and material that’s needed are where they should be is important; when everything is neat and organized jewelry makers are a lot more calm and able to focus on their work on hand.

If you need a few tips about this particular topic then stay put and let this article be your guide.

A person making beaded jewelry.

1. Group things that belong together.

Organizing your jewelry workspace begins by grouping things that belong together. The tools you use such as pliers and cutters should be gathered together and placed in one container, for example in a toolbox with several compartments. Meanwhile, jewelry parts such as stringing materials should be gathered and further sorted depending on their type. Likewise, you will find yourself not just working with wires and stringing materials but also beads, stones, and crystals. They could then be further subdivided into kind, appearance, and color to make it easier for you to find them once you start working on your project.

#HOM331 Wooden Desktop Drawers & Craft Supplies Storage Cabinet
#HOM331 Wooden Desktop Drawers & Craft Supplies Storage Cabinet*

2. Label everything for easy finding and identification purposes.

Once you’ve sorted your things into their proper groupings, you can gather them up then label each so you see where they are located when the time comes that you need them. This will also help you keep track of whether you need to replenish your supplies.

Depending on the type of containers you’re using, you can write or print out labels on sticker paper so you won’t have to deal with sticky tape, or if your storage device looks like the one above, simply slip the labels inside the metal holders out front.

A white pegboard with a pink tablet, keyboard, and white containers hanging off of it.
Photo by Sophia Y on Unsplash

3. Make use of available spaces for additional storage.

A workbench is definitely a must-have when setting up your jewelry workshop. More importantly, it must be an adequately-sized one so that there’s space for your actual jewelry making, as well as having a part of it dedicated to storing and displaying your materials and creations. 

You need not worry much about this as most workbenches come with drawers and hooks that help make sure your tools are always within your reach while you work. But as demand for your works increases you will find that the space you are occupying may not be enough, hence the need to extend your jewelry display and storage to nearby areas. 

One method you could try is to hang up a pegboard on an empty wall like the one on display here. It’s made to hang items like canisters and hooks which you can use as additional display and storage space for your works and supplies. 

#COM5780C Premium Acrylic 5 Drawer Makeup & Jewelry Organizer
#COM5780C Premium Acrylic 5 Drawer Makeup & Jewelry Organizer*

4. Choose clear containers for your desktop organizers.

When it comes to choosing which storage devices to display on your workbench, you can’t go wrong with see-through containers. Having your tools within your reach is good, but even better when you can clearly see them from where you’re working. Without making a move, you can quickly scan the drawers for the items you need to get the job done.

#96-12 Flocked Plastic Tray Insert
#96-12 Flocked Plastic Tray Insert*

5. Keep the things inside your drawers organized with a tray insert.

We’ve only talked about how to organize the visible items on your workbench, but what about those that are hidden inside your workspace’s drawers? Because you deal with a lot of tiny items when making jewelry, it’s not a good idea to store them inside drawers as is. You would still want them to stay neat and easy to find when you need them, so we suggest getting compartmentalized tray inserts and using them to contain your jewelry-making supplies.

Keeping items like beads or shells unsorted would be a nightmare once you need to locate and sort them when you start working on a project. You wouldn’t want to begin creating a piece of jewelry with scattered materials, so your best bet is to use these trays with separators inside your tray. For your threads, wires, and cords, you can use trays that have long and rectangular-shaped compartments instead.

A pair of hands and a sketch of  a ring design.

6. Remember to always return items to their designated spaces.

Some projects will take a while to complete and that’s okay; what’s not okay is leaving a mess after your work session. It’s so easy for jewelry parts to roll off the workbench or a piece of tool or two to go missing. This is especially possible in homes where kids and pets are around as they will not hesitate to pick up or play with things that they see. Not only will these derail your work progress but is also dangerous as jewelry making often involves working with sharp objects. 

To prevent such mishaps from happening, just remember to return everything to their containers. In the case of unfinished jewelry projects, you can always use jewelry display stands and platforms to keep them in place before going back to work on them the next day.

A mood board with paintings and magazine cut-outs on display.
Photo by laura adai on Unsplash

7. Have an area in your workspace for things that inspire you.

Now, this advice goes beyond organizing your work tools and supplies—for our last point, let’s talk about how you can organize your mind and get it ready for jewelry making.

Sometimes inspiration strikes you like a lightning bolt, jolting you into a creative frenzy. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen but what do you do when demand is piling up and you’re left with zero ideas? 

A lot of artists make mood boards which are collections of images, colors, even phrases, or songs that inspire them and drive their creative process. You may benefit from making something for yourself and having it placed in a prominent spot in your workspace to keep you motivated as you work on your jewelry creations.

Just think of objects or aesthetics that you find beautiful and inspiring and start from there. You might just find yourself creating your best work yet.

A good work session always starts with a workspace that’s neat and well-organized. We hope these tips inspire you to create jewelry that will bring your artistry and business to higher heights.

*Available on the Nile Corp website. Accessories not included.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Shifting to Online Jewelry Selling: How to Keep Your Customers

Make a smooth transition to the digital marketplace.

A person working on their laptop and calculator.

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a game-changer to industries all over the world. It required many to shift gears and overhaul their lives and this includes entrepreneurs. While a few remained in operations and managed to keep their brick-and-mortar shops, many have also shut down or completely moved their operations online. If you are part of the second group then this article is for you.

The process may seem daunting for the first-timers in the e-commerce sphere, so that’s why we’ve put together this guide to ease you into this new venture. From setting up your platform to finding new ways to market your merchandise through your product and jewelry display posts, this article would show you the right steps to take to become a successful online jewelry entrepreneur.

Study your options online

Whatever your reason for shifting your business to digital, one thing is certain is that there are plenty of platforms and methods you can explore before your launch.  You can begin by studying what you can about starting an online business—you’re already reading this article so you’re off to a good start!

First of all, find out the different selling platforms you can move into. You can sell right from your social media accounts (if you already have them) such as Facebook and Instagram. Another option to explore is joining an online marketplace such as Amazon or Etsy to become a seller. Lastly, you can choose to run your business on your own website and domain. Check out how the different sellers in these platforms market their merchandise and the tricks they apply to their jewelry display strategies to see which works best with your products.

The next thing you should consider looking into is your target and existing customers' online shopping habits. Key things you should look at are their preferred payment and shipping and pick-up options. You can also try to find out how they would like to be informed about promos and product highlights as you would definitely need to boost your promotional efforts for your transition.

Communicate your move to your stakeholders

Staying connected to your customers as well as suppliers and partners is crucial at this point of your transition. Shifting from operating a physical store to an online one is indeed a big move so all those who will be affected should be properly informed. 

This is especially important to those folks you will be saying goodbye to as going online will be a scaling back of your operations. Reach out to those folks who will be affected by the change and don’t forget to thank them for their service. As tough as this may be, it’s best to have a clear closure for all those involved.

Two ladies bonding over jewelry at a jewelry store.

Hold a closeout sale as a way to announce your shift and get rid of excess inventory

You can certainly hit two birds with one stone with a closeout sale. For one, an offline event such as this will certainly capture the attention of your surrounding community to your impending move. You can then take this as an opportunity to let them know of your new online store. For easier recall, you may hand out business cards or flyers with updated info about your store.

It’s also a great opportunity to get rid of old stocks if you plan to sell an all-new line for your online shop. Lastly, you can use the event as an opportunity to thank your loyal customers for their years of support and give them the assurance that you will still continue your business, just on a different platform and virtual space.

Set up customer support channels

Understand though that you would still be facing many questions from both old and new customers once you shift to online selling, that’s why it’s important for your customer service channels to be all set and ready once your launch your digital business.

Ahead of time, you need to decide which communication channels you will be using for your customer service. Depending on the selling platform you choose, you may enjoy the benefits of a chat service, contact page, or an auto-chatbot that can answer questions from visitors to your page in an instant. You can also include a hotline that people can call on top of all these digital media. Likewise, make sure to implement clear schedules so customers would know when or when your shop’s customer support agents would be ready to answer queries.

Your social media posts can provide support to these channels by sharing content that can answer your customers' frequently asked questions.

Provide your customers with great images and descriptions

Nothing will replace in-person shopping as it allows shoppers to actually see the jewelry from all sides and angles. In the same manner, they can also feel the product and ask a sales associate about the product. That’s why it’s important that the images you post of your jewelry merchandise online should be top-notch with product descriptions that provide sufficient information to satisfy buyers.

It all begins with having stellar product photos on your online shop. Make sure they are shot from multiple angles so that potential buyers can have a fuller view of the item on display. The kind of lighting you will use also matters so that the photos would always look good.

It’s important also to use the right props and jewelry display tools to enhance the product’s and the photograph’s appearance. Make sure to use the appropriate devices (e.g., earring display stands for earrings, necklace easels for necklaces). Remember also to take into account color combinations and aesthetics that will boost the appeal of the products.

Consequently, the descriptions that accompany the products should be strong and enticing. When it comes to details sizing matters, plus the material used should be included. If there are interesting stories about the creation or source material of the product then those could be included too if it can help shoppers make their purchase decisions.

A person browsing photos on their tablet.

Boost your promotional efforts

Once you’ve gone online, you likewise will have to increase your efforts on promoting online too. Reach out to old and new customers through your social media and engage in both organic and paid advertisements on these same channels. Make sure to fill your posts with content that doesn’t just focus on selling but also with the aim of providing educational content about jewelry and styling that will be beneficial to your audience.

Because you are selling jewelry, it’s important to be highly visual with your content. Tap social media apps that focus on visuals such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and TikTok. Don’t limit yourself to product photos but feel free also to explore videos and GIFs.

Tough times call for tough decisions, but when you equip yourself with the right information, you can successfully face new challenges with confidence from the new knowledge you gained. You’ve already taken the right steps in the right direction today, and we’ll be here cheering you on while helping to provide you with the tools you need.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Our Best Picks for Blush-Toned Jewelry Displays

See the world in rose-colored glasses with these fun and feminine jewelry display tools.

Close up of a snake-shaped ring while being worn by a pink shirt-wearing person.

Spring will soon be upon us and we just can’t wait to revel in all the floral designs that are sure to be a hit with the shoppers. We’re sure you are as well and you are probably in the middle of looking for inspiration on how to decorate your jewelry display showcases.

For now, we have our eyes on blush-toned jewelry display tools. Our picks for this season take on the feminine and dainty characteristics of spring flowers such as roses, tulips, and cherry blossoms. After dressing up your jewelry shops in cool blue and silver accents for winter, the arrival of the spring season is a chance for rebirth, renewal, and the return to lovely warm shades. In the case of pink, its warmer tones are in the shades of coral, peach, and rose gold so you’ll be seeing a lot of them in this selection.

What makes jewelry showcases in this color family so highly recommended is that they are very pleasing to the eyes, evoking a feeling of romance and innocence in the viewer—definitely guaranteed to deliver a quick perk-me-up to shoppers in a small way. Plus, they also match up well to gold, silver, and bead-type jewelry making them versatile and wise investments for your business.

We hope you find any of our picks here as the lovely and helpful figures they are.

#JWY609-3PK Clear Acrylic Display with Rose Gold Mirrored Storage Base

#JWY609-3PK Clear Acrylic Display with Rose Gold Mirrored Storage Base

This combination jewelry display is a top choice for those looking for a more modern-looking display tool while it retains its girlish appeal. It’s not just all about aesthetics with this device though as it can carry at least 18 pairs of earrings alongside other jewelry types such as rings, necklaces, and bracelets.

While the clear acrylic takes up most of its features, its rose gold base compartment gives it its sweet and dainty character, perfect for stores with a young clientele.

#COP3703 Figurine T-bar Jewelry Holder Display

#COP3703 Figurine T-bar Jewelry Holder Display

Here’s a treat for those who love bears and who are also looking for a jewelry stand that can double as a decorative device. This metal T-bar has a solid base, thanks to the four-legged animal figurine it uses as its main feature. Meanwhile, the green velvet-covered T-bar ensures your necklaces and bracelets won't get tangled up if you let them freely hang.

#ED-723-S50 Champagne Pink Earring Tree

#ED-723-S50 Champagne Pink Earring Tree

Perfect as a part of a complete jewelry display set or as a glass display shelf filler, this earring tree comes in chic champagne pink leatherette which gives it a sophisticated allure. Best for chandelier and other types of dangling earrings, this one comes with a weighted base so you won’t have to worry about it easily toppling over.

#ZZ-219PKLN Pink Linen Wood Jewelry Bracelet Display Holder

#ZZ-219PKLN Pink Linen Wood Jewelry Bracelet Display Holder

Now a pink T-bar bracelet display holder already earns itself soft and feminine vibes on the basis of its color alone—what more if it comes covered in pink linen? This wooden device definitely gives off an ultra-girly appeal, thanks to its soft fabric covering. Aside from that, it provides a form of protection to the bracelets it's holding by preventing it from getting scratches from the wooden frame. Likewise, you don’t have to limit the stand to bracelets as it’s also great for bangles, necklaces, watches, and large hoop earrings. Just remember not to load it with too many items to keep it looking neat and pretty.

#NDF8806 Fabric Covered Doll Jewelry Display

#NDF8806 Fabric Covered Doll Jewelry Display

Here’s another jewelry display stand that can also serve as a shelf or countertop decor, but this time for those with an affinity for vintage design. The best device to showcase during spring for its floral design, this one has a sweet and dainty vibe, perfect for lovers of this aesthetic. Timeless and charming, this also functions effectively at preventing tangling in bracelets and necklaces. Built with six hooks for holding, it’s best to stick to one jewelry piece per hook to avoid clutter.

#JWY1335-PK 2 Tier Acrylic Rose Gold Mirrored Base with Storage Compartments

#JWY1335-PK 2 Tier Acrylic Rose Gold Mirrored Base with Storage Compartments

Here’s a variation of the first item highlighted in this article, this time featuring a 2-Tier T-bar design that’s perfect for displaying necklaces, bracelets, and other jewelry pieces that can be hung. The rose gold base with multiple compartments provides additional display/storage space for smaller jewelry items such as earrings, beads, and gemstones.

Chic, modern, and elegant, this device makes for a beautiful tabletop jewelry display device that is sure to attract jewelry lovers all over.

#11-3-S50 Champagne Pink Leatherette Pillow Bracelet & Bangle Display

#11-3-S50 Champagne Pink Leatherette Pillow Bracelet & Bangle Display

Cuddly tiny pillows for bracelets and bangles? Why not?

Yes, jewelry needs pillow cushioning too. Particularly, this one comes in a pink leatherette fabric and may be used for display as part of a jewelry display set or for storage as when a piece of watch or cufflink is stored inside a watch box.

Not only would it make your jewelry merchandise look presentable, but the cushioning also protects them from scratches and bumps.

Whether you’re a  jewelry business owner or a collector, be sure to watch this space to see some more of our recommendations for jewelry display tools.

Friday, January 14, 2022

5 Jewelry Sales Tips for Retail Success

Learn the techniques that will find your business earning well each and every month.

A yellow gemstone pendant in close up.

Running a business certainly poses multiple challenges, the primary of which is how to stay afloat by maintaining incoming sales. Sales, after all, are the lifeblood of every shop in operation. Because they are an integral part of entrepreneurship, it helps to think this challenge is just part of growing your business.

Whether you’re a small shop looking to continue your good momentum or a big brand that has hit a slump, it’s best to take a look at the tips below to see the areas you can work on or continue to follow.

1. Create jewelry displays that capture the buyers.

As the old saying goes, “First impressions last,” so make sure you’re making a fine and lasting one upon your customers. You can do that with impressive jewelry display setups.

It starts from outside your store. Make sure you have a top-notch window display to capture those passing by to stop and come inside your store. The choice of the right theme and product placements, plus the tools you will be using to display your merchandise are crucial at this point so take the time to plan your concept ahead of time. Once potential buyers are inside, your in-store showcase must be equally impressive. 

Your displays should not only be attractive but should also highlight what’s beautiful in each piece. To make this possible, the right props (lighting, decorations) and devices (earring display stands, necklace display easels) should be used.

2. Let your store’s image work for you.

Long-time entrepreneurs already know this but it bears repeating: in retail, you’re not just selling products and services but you’re also selling a lifestyle. This is even more apparent when you’re involved in the jewelry business. Naturally, you’re bound to attract a certain segment of the market based on the lifestyle you are promoting. If you want to boost your brand’s status with this segment, then you should do what you can to promote to them. Your campaigns must reflect their aesthetics and desires; even your store’s interiors should exude the same vibes. Once you’ve captured their attention then you’ll definitely see huge gains in your sales.

Two face mask-wearing ladies stepping out of a fashion boutique.

3. Assure your customers of a safe shopping experience.

Having a shop that reflects the lifestyle of your target audience is only the beginning. Because we are still in the midst of the COVD-19 pandemic, there is still some resistance from the buying public to shop in person. You can encourage them to come to visit your store by having health measures in place for their safety. At this point in time—and likely moving forward post-pandemic—assuring the public of a safe experience while they are shopping is a great way to drive traffic to your store.

Providing a great in-store experience is important to achieving success for your business. Beyond having a great ambiance, you must make sure that shoppers won’t feel they are compromising their health and safety if they find themselves browsing around your jewelry shop. You can do this by being thorough in disinfecting your retail space before and after business hours. Make sure your merchandise, shelves, and jewelry displays are clean and in order. Once your store is open, be ready to provide hygiene stations where people can sanitize their hands before and after shopping. 

Likewise, be vigilant about implementing health protocols such as requiring face masks before entering the store and the practice of social distancing measures. Investing in appliances that provide air purification and ventilation will also help. Finally, having a fully-vaccinated store staff lets people know your business values their health and well-being. 

4. Have exceptional people take on customer-facing roles in your shop.

Every retail enterprise will have several people on staff. While good service is expected from all, be especially mindful of those who are in customer-facing roles. This comprises the store greeters (security guards, receptionists), sales staff (those who work behind the counter, as well as those who provide guidance to the shoppers while they are browsing around the store), and the cashiers working behind the registers. No matter how small or large your manpower is, make sure they have the skills to provide the best service to your customers.

It begins with having a pleasing personality which starts the sales process on the right foot. Next, having the technical know-how about jewelry and styling is important so they can provide the best recommendations to shoppers. A good ear and a sense of empathy should also be part of the sales staff’s arsenal as jewelry purchases often come about as part of celebrating life milestones (engagements, weddings, graduations), and buying these special items are often emotional for the shoppers. Lastly, a calm and level-headed approach also helps so they can deftly handle the more difficult customers.  

Providing great customer service definitely helps boost sales so make sure to entrust your shop’s day-to-day operations to capable people.

A woman working on her presentation decks on her desktop.

5. Set reasonable sales targets.

After all, is said and done, it’s important to have a set goal to get all these things accomplished. It sets the tone for everything and is a great motivator for everyone involved. However, setting a sales target only works when it is reasonable. It’s always fine to aim high to keep things challenging but never too high that people end up getting demotivated.

A good rule of thumb is that sales targets must be achievable 70% of the time. You can then move the goalposts after a period of good sales performance. It’s also important to take into account market conditions, product supply and production, even developments to the coronavirus crisis when setting up sales targets to make sure they are fair.

These techniques will hopefully help your jewelry business reach a new achievement in sales. Results won’t be seen overnight but once you set yourself on a steady course then you will surely reap its rewards soon enough.  Good luck!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

5 Best Jewelry Shipping Practices to Prevent Sales Loss

Helpful ideas for a smooth shipping process.

A pair of hands in the middle of boxing packages.

Whether you need to send out a purchased item to a customer or transport your products and jewelry display tools to an out-of-town event, jewelers must know the best techniques for jewelry shipping for a hitch-free process.

Online shopping has certainly grown in the past two years and you might have seen an increase in orders from your at-home customers. Whether you’re home-based yourself or running an omnichannel jewelry business, learning the tricks of the trade for jewelry shipping is definitely a skill you should know down pat.

Here are some tips to ensure a smooth shipping process for your merchandise.

1. Start by choosing the right packaging materials.

Different jewelry types come in different shapes, sizes, and designs, so it’s important to have different kinds of jewelry packaging on hand as well. Choose the ones that are intended for the jewelry they were made for (eg. ring boxes for rings). Likewise, it’s important to take into account proportions when matching packaging to the jewelry item. Small items such as earrings go inside small bags or boxes, while the larger ones to the appropriately-sized large containers.

Do look for packaging that has features that secure the jewelry item in place such as slots or clips. Remember also to add cushioning materials such as bubble wrap or foam peanuts to protect the order during transport.

If you’re sending your package to an event, such as a trade exhibit, jewelry display stands, and other tools for showcasing may be included in the contents. If that’s the case, choose an appropriately-sized carrier. To make their transport easier, go for devices that can be dismantled and easily put together on site.

2. Be discreet with your choice of jewelry packaging.

While it’s important to incorporate your shop’s branding into your packaging and marketing items, the rules are different for shipping.

Go for a non-descript shipping box/bag for you and your customer’s protection. Otherwise, you can also use your chosen courier’s standard packaging materials. Check also that the labels on the packaging material won’t contain information about the contents inside. 

And speaking of courier…

A lady receiving packages from a delivery man.

3. Go for a trustworthy courier.

While there are plenty of delivery companies offering shipping services, it pays to be careful to avoid problems later on. It’s important to do research and to weigh your options rather than going for the first courier you find. You can ask fellow sellers about their experiences to see which ones are trustworthy. You can also lookup reviews online to see what past clients have to say about them. Keep your eyes peeled for news that talks about incidences of package theft or mishandling to avoid those who were involved in them.

It’s best to go for those that provide tracking information so that you and your recipients can rest easy by knowing where the package is currently in the supply chain. Most often, the same information could be accessed at the company’s website or app by providing the tracking code. Should problems arise such as missing or incomplete packages, the code will be used for investigation and resolution.

Alternatively, you could send your packages through the postal service and have it be placed under first-class registered mail. Under the service, you will also be provided with tracking information. If you go through this route, it’s still best to use non-descript boxes or bags as you would not want your packages to attract thieves. Meanwhile, drop boxes are not recommended as you could easily damage your package, plus for safety reasons, it’s best to see your package off yourself.

Whatever method you choose, make sure to share the provided tracking information with your package’s recipient for your protection and their peace of mind.

4. Ask for proof that your recipient has received your package.

Different courier services will have different systems in place to secure proof that a package was safely received. Signatures may be required upon receipt, while some may take pictures as proof during the delivery. Don’t hesitate to ask your courier about their procedures for this step of the shipping process. Always ask to have the recipient or a trusted representative to receive the delivery themselves—never go for curbside delivery as an option.

5. Get shipping insurance to cover possible loss or damages.

The sad fact is things can still go wrong in the process even if you’ve followed these rules outlined in the article. In life, always expect the unexpected so to ease your worries you must get insurance for your package. You can rest once you sign up for one as problems in shipping will be covered and expenses will be reimbursed. As always, read the terms and conditions to check that your needs are sufficiently covered.

Having the right business partners will ensure that you will feel secure in the shipping process for your jewelry merchandise.  It all begins with choosing the right packages and containers for your products, and Nile Corp certainly has you covered in that aspect. Simply visit our site and browse the many packaging options for your business.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Jewelry Retail Tips for a Great In-Store Shopping Experience

Shopping for jewelry should be as stress-free as possible.

A happy female shopper crossing the street.

To stay ahead of their competitors, jewelry retailers must realize it takes more than having great products to entice customers to come to visit and purchase from one’s store. Beyond fulfilling a material need, it should never be forgotten that shopping is an experience and that emotion plays an important role in a shopper’s buying journey. To many, shopping has become their outlet for dealing with their moods: for some, they buy stuff because they are feeling good that day, while for others they see it as an aid to lift their low spirits. That’s why it’s important for jewelers to take factors such as store ambiance, interior design, layout, and jewelry display setups when they’re thinking of ways to attract buyers into their store.

Basically, it’s all about making the shopping experience a comfortable one for the customers. Because jewelry purchases are often made to celebrate life milestones (engagements, anniversaries, graduations), then the buying journey should be just as special.

Previously, we’ve talked about the different things jewelry entrepreneurs could do to increase sales for their businesses; now think of this as a follow-up to that piece. Because when you think about it, putting your customers at ease while they shop can only lead to great gains for the business. So here are a few ideas you could try out:

A smiling retail worker holding up an "OPEN" sign.

Welcome your customers with a smile

Don’t underestimate the power of a sincere greeting as a friendly face can certainly put shoppers at ease. While a beautiful jewelry display showcase can certainly capture the eye of a jewelry lover, a frontline staff that’s approachable and well-mannered will certainly be the key factor to getting people to come and stay at your store.

Start strong by offering top-notch customer service from the get-go by giving a warm smile and a sincere greeting to everyone that comes into your store.

A peach and white jewelry display featuring a pair of earrings and a set of rings.

Make sure your store is organized

An organized jewelry store means there is no clutter and everything is where it should be. When it comes to displays, each setup is arranged well with tools and props that complement the jewelry they are showcasing. This also means every device used—your necklace display pads, ring holders, earring stands—are in pristine condition and are fit for presentation.

Besides all that, a well-kept store is one with a nice layout that’s easy to navigate for customers. It’s not confusing and items are easy to find.

A sales clerk handing shopping bags to a couple of female customers.

Have knowledgeable and personable people on staff

We’ve already touched upon how important it is to have store frontliners with great personalities and manners to welcome folks into the store. Once customers are inside and are browsing around the store, the jewelry shop’s staff should be on standby ready to help in case anyone asks.

It’s best to keep a good balance when dealing with the store’s buyers: leave them to browse on their own but be on alert if they ask for help. Never hover or take over when they are selecting. However, once they ask for information always be ready to step in and provide what they need. Another thing to remember is to avoid resorting to hard selling techniques. Instead, it’s best to take on the role of a consultant that provides valuable insights during the jewelry selection process.

A tropical-themed lounge area.

Provide areas for lounging 

Let’s go back to the idea of jewelry shopping for life milestones and celebrations. While shopping can be a relaxing pastime for some, there are those shopping for such occasions (e.g. engagement ring shopping) and the experience can be overwhelming. Besides having top-notch staffers to handle their queries and concerns, another way your store can help out is by providing comfy lounge areas for rest and contemplation. Additionally, if you have the budget and space for it, you can also provide jewelry viewing areas away from the sales floor to provide buyers privacy.

A wash area featuring a sink, liquid soap pump, and a signage with the word "WASH" spelled out.

Ensure the health and safety of your customers with hygiene stations and protocols

The COVID-19 health crisis proved to be an especially trying time for everyone. For retailers it meant fewer people coming in to shop in person. While we are still in a pandemic, having health measures in place at your store helps assure shoppers that their safety is also your concern.

There are many ways to go about this. Before your store opening, make sure to conduct thorough disinfection of your store premises. Make sure the shelves, jewelry display tools, and of course the jewelry themselves are thoroughly checked and cleaned. As an added precaution, you can buy air purifiers or have HVAC filters installed at your stores. You can also implement social distancing protocols and hygiene areas where people can wash their hands before and after shopping. Another thing you can do is to implement a booking process to limit overcrowding at your jewelry store.

An iPhone screen showing another person taking a photo of the iPhone holder.

Get online and share Wi-Fi access with your customers

This is another store feature that we are sure your customers would appreciate. From a marketing standpoint, this is also a great way to promote your store with actual customer reviews and social media posts that shoppers can make while they are at your store. You can take advantage of this store perk by sharing a hashtag that they can use when they post about their experience shopping at your establishment—so remember to provide an awesome service so they would only post positive feedback about your store.

In fact, why not take it up a notch by providing Instagram-worthy nooks around your store where people could take photos as they shop around your store? Not only will this help create a more inviting atmosphere for your store but it’s a way to promote your business as a fun destination for creative expression.

The key to making this project a success? Listen to your customers. Hear what they have to say about what they need from you as a provider and see if you can fulfill those. 

If you’re looking to try out something new this year, then this article is just a starting point. Go out there, explore, and don’t be afraid to be as creative with your ideas.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

7 Marketing Ideas To Increase Your Jewelry Shop Sales

It’s the perfect time to liven up your jewelry store’s marketing efforts.

A pair of hands holding a colorful earring.

The business of jewelry requires multiple strengths and skills. Having a keen eye for design definitely helps, especially for creators and those who work in jewelry display and styling. Likewise, knowing the art of persuasion is definitely an asset especially during promotions and selling. And then there are aspects of the business where you can apply both, like in marketing.

If your shop is in the planning stages of its 2022 marketing calendar then we have a few great ideas here to start you off on the right path. From there, you can flex those creative muscles and show off some persuasive know-how to come up with campaigns that the public would notice and help your business make huge gains this year.

Growing your presence online:

1. Start a business website.

If you still haven’t taken part in building your presence online then now is the perfect time to do so. As nations all over implemented stay-at-home orders during the COVID-19 health crisis, the buying public went digital to buy both necessities and luxury items, and with it came the boom of e-commerce. And while brick-and-mortar jewelry shops continue to operate and be visited by customers, an online platform can still greatly help boost the sales performance of both new and well-established stores.

You can start by exploring website builders such as Wix and GoDaddy which come with versatile templates that come with various features and designs to ensure you have a functional online store.

2. Perform search engine optimization to boost your site’s ranking.

The next step to take after building a website is to ensure it is discoverable to people online. That’s where the process called “search engine optimization” comes in. It involves taking into account ranking factors implemented by search engines to organize and rank the websites on their listings. The goal is to push your website to the first page of results so that they are easily found and clicked on by users. This is are all done organically, meaning without the assistance of ad placement which involves paying for a spot on a webpage.

Search engine optimization or SEO involves a two-pronged approach: on-page and off-page SEO. On-page SEO processes involve work that has something to do with the tweaking and updating of on-page elements to improve rankings. This includes writing valuable content relevant to your business or niche, site mapping, the use of tags in titles and images, among others. Off-page SEO, meanwhile, is any activity done outside of the website to boost its rankings. This includes link building and social media promotions.

3. Boost efforts to promote on social media.

For smaller shops or those who are just starting out, selling on social media is a great alternative to fully opening up an e-commerce site. Choose platforms that are highly visual such as Facebook or Instagram as product photography is crucial to promoting your business. To stand out from all the other shops on social media, it’s important to invest in top-notch photography, as well as aesthetically-pleasing setups that include the jewelry merchandise, their jewelry display tools, and props.

Besides selling, being on social media is a great way to engage with your buyers, so make it a point to provide content that is interesting and most of all valuable (jewelry care tips, styling guides) to your customers. This will help build your brand with your target audience—and with the shareable nature of these sites—to the public at large.

Two vloggers in the middle of filming a video.

4. Tap video hosting sites to spread the word about your shop online.

Technically still a part of social media, video hosting sites such as YouTube and TikTok also have a community built around them that makes them great platforms for promoting your merchandise and brand. This time posts go beyond the usual static images you see on most social media apps. Though Facebook and Instagram can also host videos, purely video hosting sites can run longer clips, affording businesses and marketers with more robust content and a more engaged audience.

Again, entertaining and valuable content is the key to success here so make sure to come up with something useful to your target audiences such as product guides and styling tips.

Making your mark through offline branding initiatives:

5. Establish your identity with a consistent look, color, and language.

Whether you’re a newbie thinking of an identifier for your business or a long-time player who is due for an image refresh, it’s important to have consistency with any of your branding and marketing efforts. This means your promotional materials and the elements surrounding them (logo, imagery, colors, tone, language) should remind consistent all throughout. 

It starts with making the decision on the image you want to project to the public. Your preferred image could then help shape what your brand’s logo, dominant colors, tone, and voice would be. 

In jewelry retail, you can choose to go for a classic and sophisticated appeal, a more contemporary edgy vibe, or something else different altogether. What is important is that the chosen concept should be applied in all of the shop’s packaging or marketing collaterals, such as signages, posters, gift bags, etc. for consistency. Additionally, to further boost this image, the way your shop is designed, even your choice of jewelry display props and retail setup should reflect the persona you’ve selected. This helps to establish brand recognition for your business.

6. Regularly conduct special sale events or offer discounts.

Everyone loves a good bargain, and yes, that includes jewelry shoppers. If you want to increase sales or boost the demand for a certain product, you can run monthly special events such as discount days which can be conducted online and offline. Another way you can offer lowered rates is through voucher codes which people can use to get discounts.

A variety of jewelry laid out on display on top of a marble table.

7. Make it a point to always offer premium customer service.

Want to have return visits to your shop? Always keep in mind the welfare of your customers when they are shopping so they would continually support your business.

Whether in-person or online, the shopper’s experience should be pleasant. This entails having a friendly and knowledgeable staff always ready to answer questions from the customers. This also means ensuring that the browsing, trying out, and paying steps in the shopping process come off smoothly without any mishaps or problems.

While results won’t be seen overnight, consistently applying these omnichannel approaches can result in huge returns for your jewelry shop. Good luck!