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Monday, July 27, 2020

7 Helpful Tips for New Jewelry Makers

The things you need to know to succeed in this craft.

Pink ribbons and beads; white buttons

Whether you’ve dipped your toes into jewelry making to keep yourself busy during quarantine or you plan to turn it into a money-making venture, it helps to acquaint yourself with the rules of the craft.

Learn to produce great outputs by knowing the basics of the trade.

1. Choose one type of jewelry to work on in the beginning

When it comes to jewelry you certainly have a lot of options that it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Like any other discipline or art, it helps to keep yourself focused. Choosing to focus on just one type of jewelry to work on will help you familiarize yourself with the craft. Perhaps you have a particular interest in bracelets or maybe your earring display stand feels bare and you’d like to fill it up with new pairs – whatever you pick to work on first is ok. You’ll have plenty of time, later on, to work on other jewelry types and materials.

2. Learn what you can about what goes into creating your chosen jewelry

To make sure you’re doing things correctly, you can start by watching tutorials online. Thankfully, the internet is a treasure trove of information so you wouldn’t have a hard time finding how-to guides. A good place to start is Skillshare where there’s a ton of jewelry making classes to choose from.

3. Have the right tools on hand

Your online jewelry design lessons won’t just teach you the craft but it will also share with you what are the right tools to have. You probably already have some of them at home but it will certainly help to invest in the necessary materials. Our shop, Nile Corp, also offers jewelry making tools as well, so please do stop by our site to browse.

Art materials on flatlay display.

4. Putting your ideas to paper (or onscreen) will help

The creation process starts in the mind during visualization. But if you want to actually see your concept, you need to sketch it on paper or onscreen, whichever medium you prefer. This helps you add, tweak, and see your idea before actually creating it.

5. Look for inspiration

If sketching isn’t getting you anywhere perhaps you’re lacking the inspiration needed to get you started. Look around you and find the shapes, colors, and textures that capture you. This can be done online and offline so feel free to explore.

If finding inspiration remains elusive, don’t let this setback stress you out. The last thing you need is to pressure yourself to come up with anything. Rest and relax for now and let ideas flow later.

6. Make sure to take measurements

It’s never a good idea to do things on the fly, and the same goes for jewelry making. Guesswork will lead you nowhere, so don’t forget to take measurements before diving into the creation process. Seeing your work worn by others is a source of pride for any creative, so make sure the jewelry you’re making will fit its wearer.

Blonde woman displaying her earrings collection.

7. Practice makes perfect

Cliche as this advice may be, if you want to be good at something then this is the only way to go. Constant repetition of a craft helps hone your skills so you might as well take the time to practice it whenever you can. It might be hard in the beginning but you’ll soon see yourself improve. Just remember to follow your lessons and do it whenever you can.

Good luck!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Creative Ideas for Packaging Jewelry Orders

Let your packaging show the care you put into every one of your jewelry creations.

Brightly colored gift boxes and ribbons.

For safety reasons, many avid shoppers choose to remain inside their homes and rely on e-commerce sites for their needs. This is good news for many jewelry entrepreneurs as sales continue to run smoothly even with the imposition of lockdowns. Shifting to online-only selling is a good thing, however, there are also challenges that both small and established jewelry business owners may face. One of these has to do with packaging jewelry orders.

In this article, we’ll show you the different options that you can try.

Kraft Paper Gift Bag
Kraft Paper Gift Bag*

1. Gift Bags

One of the easiest ways to package a jewelry order is to use a gift bag. It is a practical option as you wouldn’t need to assemble anything if you pick this as your choice of packaging. However, this is best for bigger and chunkier items. Dainty pieces that can get easily tangled up are best suited for other forms of packaging. You can also easily slip in a necklace display board if that’s something you also offer.

We offer a bunch of different designs on our website if you’re ready to explore your options.

Damask Print Paper Cotton Filled Boxes
Damask Print Paper Cotton Filled Boxes*

2. Gift Boxes

This is another handy option for packaging jewelry orders. They are versatile and customizable as you can choose from different sizes and designs depending on the jewelry you will be shipping. If you will be sending out a set, you can pick a large box as the outer box and use several smaller boxes that you can place inside. These boxes also come with cotton inserts to provide cushioning for the actual jewelry piece inside.

Because accessories are sensitive cargo, let’s now look at your jewelry packaging options that you will use to contain the jewelry orders while they’re inside.

Organza Drawstring Pouches
Organza Drawstring Pouches*

3. Pouches

These tiny drawstring bags are perfect for bracelets and bangles. If you also sell individual gemstones, this one works well with those items too. Pick from our selection of different colors and put a smile on your customers’ faces once they open their deliveries.

White Hanging Earring Cards
White Hanging Earring Cards*

4. Earring Cards

This versatile jewelry holder suits any earring type such as post, dangling/chandelier, or hoop earrings. With a little bit of adjustment, this type of earring card can also hold clip-on earrings.

Luxury Sleeved Small Bracelet Box
Luxury Sleeved Small Bracelet Box*

5. Fabric-lined Boxes

This is an elegant option, perfect for fine jewelry. The box is covered in quality paper in a matte finish and lined with a soft light beige faux leather meant to provide cushioning for the packed jewelry. You can choose from several sizes depending on the type of jewelry you will be shipping.

There’s plenty more to see and explore when you visit our jewelry packaging page. Feel free to check our site to view your options.

*Available on the Nile Corp website.

Monday, July 20, 2020

How to Make Video Marketing Work for Your Jewelry Business

Stay ahead of the curve and make a splash online with videos.

An outdoors video shoot with an actress as lead.

Innovation in any shape or form is essential nowadays. As the competition to stand out gets fiercer, one must not be complacent. This is true whether you are an online-only shop or a brick and mortar. How does one set out to do that? You go where the people are and at this point in time, it’s nowhere else but online.

As more and more folks stick to doing their shopping on the internet, any jewelry business that wants to succeed must find ways to capture this audience. Video marketing is just one of the many ways they can try. We’ve seen social media boom the past few years with giant brands tapping the platform to expand their reach and sales. All of sudden, it takes more than having retail and jewelry display skills to capture the public. While jewelry entrepreneurs are still expected to take the time to make sure their merchandise looks nice in person, our present-time needs call for having a strong presence online as well. Let us show you how you can benefit from doing so:

A woman presenting or chatting with someone via webcam.

Provide valuable content

Many marketing professionals would tell you that, “Content is king,” and that is absolutely true. In many ways, being able to provide fresh and relevant content to your target audience is one of the primary means to win the online marketing game. It puts your name out in the public and establishes you as a reliable source of information. You will then come to be known as a trusted name in the industry. Video marketing could be used for these efforts. With the right topic, presenter and technique, you tap into the public’s consciousness which translates to better recognition and sales for your brand.

Deciding what type of video content to put out is entirely up to you and there are certainly plenty to choose from:

1. Product presentations
Think of these presentations as an online version of those late-night shopping commercials you see on the television before you drift off to sleep. Of course, you can now jazz them up with better graphics and a presenter that caters to your target audience. Even short-form videos like Facebook & Instagram stories and the currently popular TikTok app are formats you can use for this project. Just remember to provide a direct link to the product’s page (accessible via a swipe on Stories) so that viewers can purchase your items right away.

2. Reviews
You can approach this type of content in two ways. You can invite influencers to create videos where they talk about your products, or you can actually tap your actual customers to review your products.

3. Tutorials
A great number of video content online is comprised of tutorials. That’s because they are popular to the public and are considered valuable content. This is also a good angle to take when brainstorming content for your jewelry business. You can give fashion tips on the best ways to wear your jewelry merchandise, or you can also provide helpful advice to jewelry fans on the proper ways to display their jewelry collections. You can partner up with a jewelry display and supply store to help with the instructional material for these tutorial videos.

Use it as a platform for community engagement

Once you have decided on the type of content to put out, you need to make sure it does not only answer your target customers’ needs but that it also becomes a way for you to build a relationship with them. This can be done through social media where community engagement is encouraged. Take the time to see what you’re audience is saying and use it to listen and respond to their needs.

This means that for every how-to video or IG story you put out, you need to make sure you are ready to respond once the public takes notice of them.

In conclusion,

Video marketing is a powerful tool that, when done correctly, can deliver sales and recognition to any jewelry business. Don’t be afraid to use it and experiment with its capabilities to see where it takes you. Whether you’re a home jeweler or already an established name in the business, you have nothing to lose if you use this marketing approach.

Hey you! Won’t you take the time to check out new items from our store? Feel free to browse around to find the perfect jewelry display and storage tools for your business today.

Monday, July 13, 2020

5 Must-Do’s When Joining Jewelry Trade Shows

An essential checklist for every jewelry entrepreneur.

Groups of business people engaged in conversation at a trade show.

While it may take some time for normal operations to return in the jewelry industry, it never hurts to beef up on the knowledge necessary to run a successful business in the meantime. This includes knowing what needs to be done if you find yourself part of a jewelry trade show.

Besides knowing how to market yourself with fellow jewelers and suppliers, a lot of the work needed in trade shows involves presentations. To capture your targets, you must know the right way to display your jewelry merchandise.

Survey your assigned space before doing anything else

Just to be sure you have the right amount of merchandise and jewelry display equipment for the event, you need to see the space that will be allotted for you. This will depend on the size of the venue and the number of participants. Typically, you will be given a table or two to display your products. Good tabletop display tools to bring for your exhibit are display busts and the multiple tiered-type ones, like the one shown below.

Wooden 4-Tier Jewelry Display Stand
Wooden 4-Tier Jewelry Display Stand*

Have a system for how you’re going to be displaying your items

The aim is to attract potential customers and partners into your booth so your best bet to achieve that is to create a jewelry display that’s neat and pleasing to look at. That starts with keeping a display that just has the right amount of merchandise on top. A display that’s too crowded will look messy while one that looks sparse would look like you didn’t prepare for the event at all.

Necklaces and beaded bracelets on display.
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash
Likewise, it is important to be mindful of sizes and proportions when combining jewelry together. Putting small, delicate pieces on holders that are too big for them may cause them to get drowned out. Also, when combining jewelry pieces, a good tip to follow is the Rule of Three. It is a design principle which states that visually, people gravitate towards groups of threes so you may want to apply this rule with your displays.

Make sure to apply the right lighting techniques

You would want the lights to hit your jewelry in the perfect place so that they sparkle and shine. Again, depending on the house lights you may want to bring in lights that will enhance the beauty of your products. The right lights (we recommend LED display lights) at the right angle will definitely do wonders especially if you are showcasing stone jewelry pieces.

Choose your background patterns well

The colors you include in your jewelry display can certainly affect its appearance. You may want to use patterns sparingly, if at all, as they can take attention away from your jewelry collection. Neutrals and solid shades are safe as it would make your jewelry pop. The texture you use for your displays can also give off and leave different impressions to its viewers. Silk gives off a sophisticated vibe, while those that come in natural fabrics like burlap convey an earthy appeal.

Be personable

Now, this advice has nothing to do with setting up your jewelry display, but it is an important thing to remember nonetheless. Trade shows require interacting with the public, and whether they are customers, suppliers, or artists, you need to remember that you must convey a friendly and professional demeanor to everyone you meet. People are sure to come to you with questions so it is important that you are able to answer them adequately. Lastly, remember your manners and always have a ready smile on hand.

*Available on the Nile Corp website.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Jewelry Display Ideas for Teen Girls

Let your choice of jewelry display speak for your unique personal style.

A group of girls hanging out in a bedroom.

While you’re still young, it helps to have a system for how you store and display your belongings. This is especially helpful once you’ve gotten a room of your own as you can easily locate your things when you do. From the clothes you wear to the gadgets you cherish, having a designated place for them will keep things organized and your parents off your back. Naturally, because we are Nile Corp, let us help you find ways to organize your accessories. In this article, we’ll show you some tips on how you can use jewelry display and storage tools for your precious collection.

A girly bed spread in pink and white.

Let your choice of jewelry display tool reflect your personal style

For young women, their bedrooms serve not just as places where they sleep, they also function as canvasses that reflect their personal style statements. From their choice of linen to their picks for furniture, the things one finds in a teen girl’s room often show the personality of the owner.

While they are useful for keeping and maintaining your jewelry collection, jewelry displays also serve as decorative pieces. Naturally, you would want them to match your room’s style.

Here’s one that’s perfect for the girly girls:

Fabric-Covered Bracelet T-Bar Display
Fabric Covered Bracelet T-Bar Display*

This one is for fans of the minimalist look:

Premium Acrylic 20 Pairs Earring Display Stand Jewelry Holder, Clear
Premium Acrylic 20 Pairs Earring Display Stand Jewelry Holder, Clear*

We also have mannequin-type holders for the fashionistas, as well as eco-friendly jewelry displays for the budding environmentalist.

Make sure to keep them neat and dust-free

A little brushing here and a little bit of gentle wiping there ensures your displays are kept clean and orderly. Avoid letting them gather dust by neglecting to clean them as it will diminish the beauty of your collection. You don’t need to buy expensive cleaners either as a soft cloth dipped in water with mild detergent will do.

A brunette girl working on her laptop from bed.

Create themed areas around your room based on colors or pop culture

If you’re really keen on making your jewelry displays a talking point amongst your friends when they come over, why not do something extra for your collection by arranging them based on a certain theme? You can choose to highlight particular colors or go for a certain aesthetic to emulate.

Here’s another cool idea – why not look to movies for inspiration? In this article, Sirin Kale of Vice talked to production designers for some of the most iconic teen movies about their inspiration for their characters’ bedrooms. You can take a cue from these folks or revisit your favorite movies to get ideas for your jewelry displays.

Make sure to store away your hidden jewelry well

It’s not a good idea to have your entire jewelry collection on display. You better keep away from prying eyes your most expensive valuables as well as the family heirlooms you’ve inherited. You can choose to keep them hidden in a safe or stash them away in locked jewelry boxes. If you go with jewelry boxes, make sure to look for ones that come with compartments and covered in soft fabric lining to protect your delicate stones and charms.

Happy shopping!

*Available on the Nile Corp website.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Tips for Choosing the Right Hoop Earrings for You

Hoop earrings are an essential part of every fashionista’s style arsenal.

Pretty girl in a white tank top and wearing big hoop earrings.

Looking to give your personal style an instant lift? Hoop earrings add a little bit of spice into any outfit. From casual looks to the most glamorous gowns, these are the types of accessories you’d like to wear if you want to make a statement. You better make sure your earring display tools at home have some space ready for them when you buy a bunch of pairs after reading this article!

Go for the classic look

You simply can’t go wrong with a basic thin-band type of hoop earrings. This style draws the eye downwards, a great technique to slim down one’s neck and emphasize a high neckline. Your choice always depends on the look that best matches your personal style, but hoop earrings in solid gold and silver will always be safe picks for their classic appeal.

We have a ton of hoop earrings you can choose from if you’re ready to dive into this earring style.

Short-haired girl with big hoop earrings and wearing a jeans and shirt combo.

Consider your hair length and style when deciding between sizes

A tiny downside to wearing hoop earrings is that they can get easily get tangled up with big hairstyles, particularly those with larger hoops. Think carefully about the hairstyle you plan on wearing before you decide to put on your jewelry. If you want to try something big and bold, it’s best to have your hair tied back or placed in a bun. Also, watch out if you’re wearing a huge pair of hoops as you don’t want to have your earrings get accidentally hung from objects!

Experiment with styles depending on the occasion

The wide range of sizes available when buying earrings affords you the opportunity to explore various styles and effects. For a subtle look perfect for daily wear, go for “huggies” which are small hoop earrings that “hug” your earlobes as they are made to cling close to your skin. For date nights or parties, why don’t you go for something more dramatic, like studded hoop earrings?

Bonus Tip:

Cat-Shaped Metal Wire Earring Display Stand
Cat Shaped Metal Wire Earring Display Stand*

Metal Jewelry Display Jewelry Stand Hanger Organizer
Metal Jewelry Display Jewelry Stand Hanger Organizer*

Make sure to pick the right jewelry display tools for your hoop earrings

Now that we’ve given you advice for when you shop for your hoop earrings, let us now share with you an important tip all jewelry lovers must know.

It is important to have the right holders to hold and store your precious valuables. In the case of hoop earrings, you must let them hang loose and free so that they don’t get caught up with your other jewelry pieces. Make sure to pick something sturdy so they don’t topple over and that they have enough hooks or prongs for your collection.

*Available on the Nile Corp website.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Health and Hygiene Essentials You Need for Your Jewelry Shop

These are the tools you need in the new normal.

A pair of hands washing under a faucet.

Feeling at a loss about your jewelry store’s chances during the pandemic? Wondering how you should go about the new health and hygiene protocols to prevent the spread of the virus? Worry no more as we’ve put together this guide to help your business ease its way into the new normal.

Make disinfection a priority at your place of business

We’ve always believed that a clean and orderly jewelry store will attract customers to your business. Taking the time to plan and set up your jewelry display so that your merchandise will catch shoppers’ attention is always important even before the health crisis. This includes making sure your retail space and goods are free from dust and scratches. (Check out our Ultrawave Jewelry Cleaning Machine today)

However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, you need to level up your store’s cleaning protocols. You also need to make sure everyone that comes into your store, staff and customers alike, must keep themselves safe and clean to help prevent spreading the disease.

Make sure to have several of these tools around your store so that they are within everyone’s reach:

Disinfectant spray and wipes - Make sure to regularly wipe down your counters, glass displays, or any other surfaces that are common touchpoints.

Hand sanitizers - While pump bottles that contain alcohol or gel will do, you can also go with no-contact sanitizer dispensers for added protection.

Disposable masks - Different locales will have different rules on the use of face masks, but requiring people to wear one before they come into your store is always a better, safer option. You can offer them for free at the door to anyone that enters your store.

Face shields - You may also opt for this type of barrier so that your staff and customers’ faces will still be visible when they come into your establishment.

Close up of a gloved hand wiping a white sink.

Safety tips to remember for jewelry shop owners

Make sure to install barriers between your store staff and customers - Even with face shields and masks on, physical barriers like acrylic shields add another layer of protection from community transmission. Place them around areas where close contact may occur like display counters, jewelry repair areas, and payment counters.

Be vigilant about maintaining social distancing - Medical experts recommend maintaining at least six feet of distance between individuals. To reinforce the directive, have markers around your store that show people where they can stand or wait for their turn. You can also try limiting the number of people who can enter your store to avoid overcrowding.

Conduct regular clean up sessions throughout the day - You may designate certain hours during the workday for cleaning and disinfection.

Stay tuned for medical advisories from the government - It helps to keep yourself abreast of the bulletins released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the health crisis. For more guidelines on how to operate a business during the COVID-19 pandemic, check out these reminders from the CDC.

Good luck and stay safe!