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Thursday, July 2, 2020

Health and Hygiene Essentials You Need for Your Jewelry Shop

These are the tools you need in the new normal.

A pair of hands washing under a faucet.

Feeling at a loss about your jewelry store’s chances during the pandemic? Wondering how you should go about the new health and hygiene protocols to prevent the spread of the virus? Worry no more as we’ve put together this guide to help your business ease its way into the new normal.

Make disinfection a priority at your place of business

We’ve always believed that a clean and orderly jewelry store will attract customers to your business. Taking the time to plan and set up your jewelry display so that your merchandise will catch shoppers’ attention is always important even before the health crisis. This includes making sure your retail space and goods are free from dust and scratches. (Check out our Ultrawave Jewelry Cleaning Machine today)

However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, you need to level up your store’s cleaning protocols. You also need to make sure everyone that comes into your store, staff and customers alike, must keep themselves safe and clean to help prevent spreading the disease.

Make sure to have several of these tools around your store so that they are within everyone’s reach:

Disinfectant spray and wipes - Make sure to regularly wipe down your counters, glass displays, or any other surfaces that are common touchpoints.

Hand sanitizers - While pump bottles that contain alcohol or gel will do, you can also go with no-contact sanitizer dispensers for added protection.

Disposable masks - Different locales will have different rules on the use of face masks, but requiring people to wear one before they come into your store is always a better, safer option. You can offer them for free at the door to anyone that enters your store.

Face shields - You may also opt for this type of barrier so that your staff and customers’ faces will still be visible when they come into your establishment.

Close up of a gloved hand wiping a white sink.

Safety tips to remember for jewelry shop owners

Make sure to install barriers between your store staff and customers - Even with face shields and masks on, physical barriers like acrylic shields add another layer of protection from community transmission. Place them around areas where close contact may occur like display counters, jewelry repair areas, and payment counters.

Be vigilant about maintaining social distancing - Medical experts recommend maintaining at least six feet of distance between individuals. To reinforce the directive, have markers around your store that show people where they can stand or wait for their turn. You can also try limiting the number of people who can enter your store to avoid overcrowding.

Conduct regular clean up sessions throughout the day - You may designate certain hours during the workday for cleaning and disinfection.

Stay tuned for medical advisories from the government - It helps to keep yourself abreast of the bulletins released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the health crisis. For more guidelines on how to operate a business during the COVID-19 pandemic, check out these reminders from the CDC.

Good luck and stay safe!

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