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Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Jewelry Lover’s New Year's Resolutions

Take your jewelry collection to new heights this 2020.

Gold number candles spelling "2020" against a pink background.

Everyone makes resolutions every time a new year rolls around. Whether it’s for health reasons, personality development, or their career aspirations, the coming of a new year affords us opportunities to look and feel better – so why not set the same level of commitment to your beloved jewelry collection?

Here are some of our suggestions to help you start things off.

“I resolve to take care of my jewelry collection.”

More than serving as fashion and style statements, your jewelry collection is a form of investment, so it comes as no surprise that its proper care and maintenance is an essential task that every owner must take. If you haven’t done so in a while, take time to check your jewelry collection's condition. Make sure there are no missing clasps, hooks, or pieces; otherwise it might be time to schedule a cleaning and repair session with a jeweler.

Do check also that your jewelry holders are spic and span. If you haven’t cleaned them in a while, we have a few tips to help you do this task. Take inventory of your jewelry pieces and take note of those you regularly use and those you reserve for special occasions. For safety purposes, it’s best to keep those you rarely use stored away in jewelry boxes, compartments, and soft pouches. For those you use every day, a quick update of their necklace display stands and bracelet and earring holders may be in order.

Lastly, if you haven’t done so, get your most precious pieces insured for your peace of mind.

A pair of blue tassel earrings.

“I will explore more styles this year.”

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and colors. You have a whole year of celebrations and milestones to look forward to, so why not use them as opportunities to explore new designs.

To start off, you can take inspiration from 2020’s Color of the Year: Classic Blue.

Close up of a diamond ring.

“I will invest in classic pieces.”

It’s a great idea to invest in pieces that will remain in style in the years to come. These are the pieces that surpass trends because they are timeless and may take on family heirloom-status as the years go by. Diamonds are a safe bet, as well as gold and pearls.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Dressing Up Your Jewelry Store for the Winter Holidays

Retail display tips to make it merry and bright this season.

A girl glancing up a store's window display.

Many retailers would say that their favorite time of the year is Christmastime – no surprise there as it is the season of gift-giving. To celebrate the winter holidays and as a way to attract more people into your store, now’s the best time to dress up your jewelry display collections and storefronts with timely themes and decors.

A pair of Christmas-themed accessories.

Go with colors associated with the season.

Red, gold, and green would always be the staple colors of the season, but you can also go for a more winter look with blue, silver, and white. You can then choose to highlight from your collection those that feature these colors, like gemstone earrings and necklaces.

Work around a theme and stick to it.

You can interpret the holidays in a hundred ways. You may choose to go with a more traditional route or a more modern one. You can highlight the personalities associated with the season like Santa Claus, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, or Frosty the Snowman. You can keep things minimal for a more subdued look. The bottom line is you can do whatever design you want if you think it is appropriate, you just have to be consistent with it all throughout your store.

Stumped for ideas? Let this article from Conde Nast Traveler be your guide.

Don’t overlook the small things.

The littlest details can make or break your theme, so make sure everything is in sync. From the storefront to the walls, to the glass cases and display counters, nothing should be left out.

Some design ideas you can try:

  • Hang Christmas string lights around
  • Put up a Christmas tree surrounded by “gifts” (empty boxes covered in gift wrappers)
  • Christmas ornaments like balls or stockings can be added to display areas

You can even create a more festive atmosphere in your store by playing tunes fit for the holidays.

Be ready to DIY a few items.

Sometimes the decors sold at stores can’t match up to your vision, so you better be prepared to craft things on your own. Be ready for some woodworking, cutting, painting, and pasting to create the look you want. The hardware and art supply stores are excellent sources for the parts and materials you need to execute your design.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essential Advice for Selling Jewelry on Instagram

How to find success on the popular app.

Close up of a hand holding a smartphone while logging into Instagram.

Out of all the social media apps available these days, Instagram may be the one app that lends itself best to selling jewelry online. It is a visually-oriented space where users can share their photos and videos alike. It’s been the preferred platform for artists, travelers, and influencers for years now, so why shouldn’t you join in on the fun?

Follow our tips below and learn how you can leverage Instagram to grow your jewelry business.

Make sure you sign up for the business account.

Instagram is a fun and useful tool by itself, but if you want to harness it in growing your business, you better choose the right set up for your account. Unlike a regular personal account, an Instagram Business Account lets you tag items on your post that links directly to your online store. It also allows you to add essential information about your physical store (if you have one) like operation hours, location, and contact details.

Reach out and make connections.

Start building your follower count by reaching out to similar accounts. This could be other jewelry stores, fashion and lifestyle influencers, craft artists, etc. You can start by seeking them out and leaving a thoughtful comment or two on their posts.

Another way to make yourself discoverable is by using hashtags. These are clickable links that are centered around a theme and are an excellent means for people to discover your content. Relevant hashtags you could use are --- #jewellerydesign #jewellerylover #jewelleryoftheday #handmadewithlove #gemstones. Of course, you can also come up with some of your own, but make sure they are always relevant to your posts.

Keep your content fresh and updated.

Make sure you’re always on your followers’ timeline by having regular content. You’re not just limited to posting your merchandise. Keeping things varied and interesting will make you stand out and attractive to potential customers. One day you might post about your latest jewelry display sets, the next day you may post about a store promo, you can even run contests – you just have to make sure the look, colors, and language between each post is seamless and consistent.

Woman working on a laptop.

Experiment with the app’s multimedia tools.

Over the years, the app has grown from just a photo uploading site to a fully-functional multimedia platform, so why not take advantage of Instagram’s many features? Stories let you capture and upload short clips or a live feed. It’s a great way, for example, to showcase your followers around your store or take them along with you at events.

Create beautiful images.

The app is still first and foremost made for sharing images, so you better make sure your photographs showcase the glitz and beauty of your merchandise. You don’t need to have expensive gadgets to photograph jewelry – all it takes is to have the right vision, people, and setups to create Instagram-worthy images.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Helpful Tips for Shipping Jewelry

Make sure your customers get your merchandise in good condition.

A person wrapping packages.

Thanks to the wonders of technology, people all over the world can simply shop for themselves and their friends online. A few keyboard strokes are all it takes to buy, and this is excellent news for entrepreneurs as it expands their businesses’ reach. This kind of convenience, though, creates some challenges for the business owner as it is of utmost importance that the goods bought must reach their buyers safe and sound. This is a must for every business, but most especially for those dealing with valuables like jewelry.

Let this article guide you into making sure your jewelry is safe and secure during transport.

Pack well.

To ensure the safety and security of your merchandise, make sure they are packed well. First, use individual holders like a necklace display holder or jewelry tray then place them inside appropriately-sized plastic bags. Next, add another layer of protection by using jewelry boxes or pouches, whichever is applicable. You may wrap this up in tissue before placing it in the actual shipping box. Additionally, you can stuff the shipping box with protective foam or bubble wrap for even more protection. Lastly, don’t forget to seal the shipping box.

A green vintage car parked in front of big packages.

Avoid indicating what’s inside the box.
Don’t make your package an easy target for thieves by using a plain box as possible – this is not the time to use your jewelry store’s branding anywhere on the box!

Choose reliable courier services.

Stay on the safe side by choosing courier services that are trusted and have long been in the business. Often these courier services would already have tracking systems in place and 24/7 customer service, which lets you rest easy and secure.

Require your receiver’s signature upon receipt.

Another reason you should go with well-known and reliable courier services? They would often require the receivers to sign off upon delivery.

Insure your package.

Life is unpredictable, and even if you have done all steps to ensure the safe delivery of your merchandise, accidents still occur. Ease your worries by insuring your jewelry to cover any untoward incidents that can happen.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Jewelry Display Tips and Tricks to Increase Sales

Nifty retail display advice that every jeweler must follow.

A row of beaded necklace displays.

What’s the secret to driving sales for your jewelry store? Aside from having great products to sell and excellent salesmanship, the key to a successful retail business is to have displays that attract customers. A well-planned out display brings out the beauty of your merchandise, which entices more people to make purchases.

This is a crucial step for every growing business, so take these tips to heart.

Treat your merchandise like the fine works of art that they are

Our first tip is to imagine your store as a museum. Normally you would find similar items would be grouped together, while a few would be separated to be designated as highlights of the museum’s collection. It helps to think of your store in the same way: you can set some key pieces of jewelry as your store’s highlights, while others would each have their own groupings around the store.

Create interest by playing around with balance

Now grouping similar items may sound boring but not when you experiment with the product placement. Displaying your merchandise on varying levels creates drama and contrast, which is much more pleasing to the eyes. It’s also a way to create centerpieces for particular items you want to push and highlight. You can easily achieve this with our wide selection of jewelry display sets, like our multiple T-bars and combination display sets.

Close-up view of a hair jewelry piece.

Avoid clutter

Grouping similar items work when you take into account the spaces in between each merchandise. Try not to put too many things together, or else it would look cluttered. Always maintain negative space in between items.

Again, balance matters. You can combine different sizes as long as it is balanced. As for placement, create a natural flow for the eyes to follow (left to right).

Make sure everything is neat and in place

Do you have enough light to illuminate your merchandise? Make sure the light bounces off right and shows your products’ sparkle. Are your cases, glass, and jewelry displays free of dust and scratches? You can easily turn off a buyer for these lapses, so make sure everything is spic and span, and working as it should.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Jewelry Sales Techniques You Need To Know Now

It all starts with knowing what your customer wants.

A hand handing out a credit card.

What does it take to close a sale? You don’t have to have extensive knowledge or long years of service to accomplish that. Often all it takes is a simple insight into consumers’ minds.

Learn the secrets and become better at selling jewelry (or any other product, for that matter) in no time.

Be approachable and attentive

It all begins by creating a positive experience for the customer. A hearty, sincere greeting and a ready smile will start things off in a positive mood. Always be prepared to answer questions and explain things if you need to.

A lady carrying a ton of shopping bags.

Probe your customers

To close a sale, you must go beyond answering questions. Once you found yourself interacting with a potential buyer, asking the right questions back will help you discover what they need and provide them with recommendations that will fulfill that need. You can start by asking whether they are buying for themselves or for somebody else then start from there. From there, you can probe them even further regarding their purpose for shopping, design specifications, and others. 

Create a conversation

The most successful sales transactions wouldn’t actually feel like one. Keeping things pleasant, interesting, and helpful will help you better to make a sale than coming off stern and formal.

Remember, it is a conversation, not an interrogation. Make sure your questions are open-ended, and always maintain a calm, friendly demeanor (“So you’re purchasing this for your fiance? Great! Cool! Can you tell me more about his style?”). Once they respond, remember to listen attentively and take note of their specifications, if any. That’s when you can make the appropriate recommendations, which help you get much closer to a successful sale.

Do something extra, if possible.

Customers appreciate a good value purchase and often that includes additional services. If your store can offer customization or shining services or promos like giving away jewelry display sets along with a jewelry purchase, then do so. That will establish you as a business that goes the extra mile to satisfy their customers.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Your Gift Guide to Wedding Anniversary Metals

Tradition calls for specific items as suitable gifts for every wedding anniversary.

A smiling woman caresses the face of a man.

The practice of celebrating wedding anniversaries by giving specific items has its roots in medieval Germany. It is believed that certain substances bring some form of luck and so were paired with particular years. However, unlike today’s wedding anniversary gift lists, only the 25th (with silver) and 50th (with gold) years were celebrated.

The practice spread during the Victorian Era, where additional milestones were celebrated. However, it was during only the 20th century in 1937 when the gifts we now know were assigned to their specific year. Spearheaded by the American National Retail Jeweler Association, each year up to the 75th was assigned a special symbolic gift. Signifying the strength and longevity of the marriage, the assigned items increase in value as each year passes.

This article will focus on metal gifts. Use this as your guide when buying for your special loved one. (Note: We’re going for traditional gift recommendations, as modern wedding anniversary gift lists may feature different item suggestions for each year).

A table card with a "Happy Anniversary!" text, and surrounded by coffee, twine, gift box, and macarons.

For the 6th year: Iron

Iron represents the strength or strong bond between the couple. It is abundant in nature and when used in decorative pieces like iron jewelry, or in functional items such as a cast iron, gives off a sturdy and industrial look.

For the 7th year: Copper

Copper represents good fortune, as well as Venus, a.k.a. the Greek goddess of love. Copper is an essential ingredient in the making of rose gold, which is an elegant color and can be nicely paired up with your choice of gemstones.

For the 8th year: Bronze

Bronze represents the strength and durability of a union. For men, bronze cufflinks add sophistication to any formal attire. Ladies, meanwhile, can enjoy a little twist to the bronze motif with bronze eye shadow or bronzer used for contouring.

For the 10th year: Tin

Tin protects other metals from tarnishing, and so it has come to symbolize protection. Tin leaf earrings are excellent gifts for ladies. Add in a matching t-shaped earring display stand to create a lovely gift set. For car enthusiasts, a personalized license plate made from this metal is a great buy.

For the 11th year: Steel

It’s not easy going through life and all its challenges, and couples who have lasted this long will surely agree. The toughness of steel is a good metaphor for the strength it needs to survive trials that partners have faced throughout the years. A stainless steel watch makes for an excellent gift for him and her to celebrate this milestone.

For your 25th year: Silver

To celebrate a quarter of a century together, why not go for a whole new set of silverware? Whether you go for something personal like jewelry, or something to decorate the home with like a sculpture, silver is timeless and will never go out of style.

For your 50th year: Gold

Couples who’ve reached this incredible milestone has stood the test of time and deserves nothing but the best. A gold watch is always a good idea, but if you’re going to go for jewelry, you can choose from yellow gold, white gold, or rose gold.

Basic Tips for Photographing Jewelry

Simple tips and tricks to make your merchandise look even more beautiful online.

Photo of an amethyst ring against a white backdrop.

Once you have established your business’ presence online, the next logical step would be to fill it with images that showcase the beauty and elegance of your jewelry merchandise. Remember that marketing yourself online is not just about getting the word out on your brand, but ultimately to generate profit, so creating images that sell is essential.

Thankfully, producing gorgeous product photos won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Lots of small business owners are able to do just that with smartphones and not a whole lot more. Meanwhile, some choose to work with young creatives (photographers, stylists, models) who are new to the business but are equally just as talented as the established ones.

Whether you plan to DIY everything or get a small but talented team to work on your product photography, it pays to know the basics of this essential business move.

Top view shot of a pair of hands holding a camera.

Choosing the right equipment.

As mentioned earlier, you don’t need to spring for a new camera to do product photography. Starting a new jewelry business comes with a lot of expenses, and if buying a camera is out of your budget at the moment, your smartphone can be a worthy substitute. Smartphone cameras that have high megapixel numbers would, of course, produce better photos. If you insist on taking pictures of your merchandise with a camera, though, even entry-level DSLR models will do. Just make sure you get one with controllable aperture and shutter speed settings so you can make adjustments to the lighting.

Additionally, these accessories would make your photographs look even better.

  • Tripod: Avoid blurry photos and keep everything steady with a tripod.
  • Backdrop: Opt for a plain white background so that your subject would pop out. You can easily DIY this with stuff you have around your shop, or you can purchase a white poster board at a nearby art supplies store.
  • Table: You will need a sturdy one to hold your product and props.

Finding your lighting source.

Light can make or break your photos, so choose wisely. Go easy on using flash to illuminate your subjects as it would create harsh shadows and glare. Instead, choose soft lighting as it is more forgiving and would showcase the beauty, shine, and details of your jewelry. Using natural light is also a good option as it can retain the color of your subject, unlike artificial light sources. For a more consistent look, you can invest in a lightbox, or you can make one yourself.

Presentation matters.

Your jewelry should be the main attraction of the photo, so it’s best to keep things simple. A plain white background would make your subject pop while using the right jewelry display piece will highlight and enhance the beauty of your merchandise.

Whether you’re taking photos of rings, necklaces, or bracelets, we have plenty of options for you to choose from. Made from different materials, fabrics, and in various colors and shades, our wide selection of jewelry display sets will surely capture the right mood and feel you’re trying to achieve with your photos.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Social Media 101 for Jewelry Shop Owners

Go beyond your brick-and-mortar shop and tap into social media’s limitless reach.

Person typing on a laptop while holding a smartphone.

The year is 2019, and if you haven’t yet explored social media as a valuable platform for your jewelry business then you are seriously missing out on a lot of things.

For its visual impact and far-reaching potential, social media can take your jewelry shop ten notches high, but only if you know how to leverage its features. Master its ins and outs, and you’ll have a powerful tool that can help build your brand, grow your audience, and also increase your sales.

If you are new to doing social media marketing, or you are a small business owner looking for another way to promote your business, then this guide is for you:

Different logos of social media apps.

The “Big 4” of Social Media Platforms

These social media platforms have the best reach and engagements:

Instagram Fast Facts:

  • It has a base of 1 billion active users each month.
  • 71% of American businesses use the platform.

Instagram’s visual-centric approach and its emphasis on portraying lifestyle subjects like food, travel, fashion, and art make it the perfect platform for jewelers to explore. Over the years, it has become more than just a photo-sharing site and has evolved to become an e-commerce platform where entrepreneurs can sell their merchandise. As a branding tool, features like Instagram Stories serve as a platform for marketers to create content that promotes their products and services.

Facebook Fast Facts:

  • Two-thirds of US adults are on the platform.
  • 96% of its active users access the site via their mobile devices.

Facebook has users of all ages who make the platform their main source of news and information, as well as a depository of their photos and videos. It’s a place where memories are shared, and the hot topics of the day are debated. Businesses have taken advantage of this by promoting their brands through the site’s Facebook for Business feature.

Twitter Fast Facts:

  • As of October 2019, US users account for 48.35 million of the site’s total user base.
  • According to the site, their ads are 11% more effective than television ads during live events.

Don’t let the 240-character limit discourage you from getting on the platform. Twitter boasts of an active user base, especially evident during live events, with millions of tweets posted and exchanged. Advertisers have used this to their advantage through the clever use of #hashtags, a social media feature popularized on the site which tracks messages for a specific topic.

Pinterest Fast Facts:

  • US households in high-income brackets are much more likely to use Pinterest than those who earn less.
  • 85% of American women use the site to plan “life moments.”

Pinterest is unique amongst social media as its main purpose is content curation. Images are shared on the site through “pinning” or the saving of particular images to create sets or collections. Amongst the “Big 4”, this may be the perfect platform for jewelers to build awareness about their merchandise.

The Rules of Promoting Your Jewelry Business on Social Media

Get to know your audience.
Find out what makes them tick, how they live their lives, their wants, and desires. Once you’ve established your target audience’s persona, use that data to craft a campaign that provides them the answers.

Social media lets you also discover what your competition is doing out there, which can help you figure out new strategies for your business. Likewise, taking your business online opens you up to potential suppliers and additional business opportunities.

Be consistent.
Have a regular posting schedule so that content is always kept fresh on your chosen platforms. Remember also to stick to your chosen voice and persona as a way to establish your brand to the audience. This extends to your choice of colors, themes, and terminologies in your postings.

Don’t be afraid to experiment.
The various tools and features in each social media platform give you a multitude of options to explore, so don’t be afraid to use them. Likewise, these sites rely heavily on images so use them to your advantage. Post photos of your latest jewelry display sets, create videos on how customers can dress up their style with your merchandise, or use GIFs and memes to engage with your audience. The possibilities are endless!

Make yourself open to feedback.
One way to maintain a great relationship with your customers is through open communication. Always be ready to answer questions from your audience, and use social media not just to promote or sell your merchandise but also to provide after-sales support.