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Friday, November 26, 2021

7 Ways To Deliver Great Customer Service in Jewelry Retail

Because your customers only deserve the best.

Close up a jeweler's hand while their holding a crystal.

One of the key reasons why a business prospers lies in the manner it delivers customer service. It’s important to never forget that working in retail is essentially a people-centric vocation. Beyond the need to provide excellent products, entrepreneurs need to know how to make their customers special by keeping attuned to their needs. 

In the case of jewelry customers, they need to feel supported because oftentimes the purchase of jewelry comes during life’s milestones: engagements, weddings, graduations, and the like. They are gifts meant to last for a lifetime and the selection process for the merchandise requires some expert advice. 

Providing good customer service also means building the buyers’ loyalty as people won’t hesitate to shop elsewhere when faced with horrible customer service. “Horrible customer service” in this sense occurs not just with the bad treatment of shoppers but also having a store that’s unappealing and whose jewelry display showcases are cluttered and are falling apart. Imagine the loss of income that will arise from such oversights.

We’ve previously talked about the ways jewelry shops can boost their sales, now think of this article as an expansion of the topic. Because delivering great service is an integral part of a successful business, let’s look at the ways how jewelry businesses can manifest top-notch customer service.

1. Maintaining professionalism at all times.

To be professional in the jewelry retail industry requires knowing more than the technical aspects of selling jewelry like the 4C’s of diamonds or the different kinds of gemstones. Showing professionalism in the jewelry retail setting means being approachable, helpful, and considerate of the buyer’s wants and needs. It’s knowing how to keep a cool demeanor even when faced with difficult customers. It’s also being quick on your feet when trying to provide solutions.

To do all these, one must be an active listener.  It’s really important to take the time to hear out the customer to know what they’re looking for and thereby to make good recommendations.

2. Call them by their names.

Another way to make customers feel special is by cultivating a sense of familiarity with them. You can start by asking for their name when they ask for recommendations or inquire about a particular item. From there you can proceed to your presentation all while acknowledging their presence by referring to them by their names. 

Having a great memory also helps so that when repeat customers come you can recall their names and you’ll be able to tell their preferred jewelry styles from your store.

A person handing out small gifts.

3. Reward long-time customers for their loyalty.

Speaking of repeat customers, it’s important to always find a way to thank your devoted and loyal customers for their continued patronage. You can start implementing this by having a great customer management software where you can keep track of purchases and customer details. Now take note of those who have multiple purchases and find ways to do a little something extra the next they come around. Special discounts are always appreciated, as well as small gifts. You can also employ the use of a point system where purchases are marked on a card they need to fill out. Once customers hit the required number of marks or points then they will be entitled to get freebies from the store. 

Note: Coffee shops do an excellent job with this system especially during this season where their loyal customers often walk away with free planners after hitting the required number of marks, so why not apply the same concept to your store?

4. Make sure to keep the store clean and spotless.

Having a good store ambiance is another way to showcase great customer service. A tidy store shows that you care for your merchandise and your customers at the same time. It also conveys that you’re mindful of giving your customers a nice shopping experience.

This means taking the time to plan out your retail space such that buyers will have an easy time browsing your merchandise. It also means having the right jewelry display tools and sets so that the jewelry items are showcased in their best light. Finally, this means avoiding clutter so that items are easy to find and the displays are not eyesores.

5. Maintain an open dialogue through communication channels.

Make it a point to always have a ready ear for customer comments and queries even beyond the limitations of a physical store. Simply put, show you’re always ready to help by being open to customer feedback through social media, email and chat support, and a hotline. With all these technologies available to today’s shoppers, you simply cannot miss out on extending your customer service duties online. Get to know your options and remember to use them well.

6. Vow to fix mistakes.

Once you open up your store’s communication channels you’re bound to receive complaints from customers. The best way to deal with them is not by ignoring them but by giving resolutions that will appease the complaint senders. This is the best possible response on and offline.

Saying “sorry” won’t be enough. Instead, make sure to provide actionable resolutions to issues. Again, listening well will help but also quick-thinking so you can diffuse the situation as soon as possible.

7. Share your wins with the public and thank them for their contribution.

Today’s shoppers love building connections to the establishments and brands they love. You can see this on social media where some of the biggest company pages are often filled with comments from their customers. As brands and the buying public continue to get closer, including shoppers in your company’s triumphs will truly be a nice way of letting them know you’re thinking of them in your celebrations. This is especially perfect when sales milestones are reached or other celebrations where their patronage is instrumental to the achievement.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Metal and Acrylic Jewelry Displays for Earrings

Make sure you have these beauties in your jewelry store.

A pair of gold dangling earrings set against a glossy purple background

Oftentimes the best jewelry display tools can also function as tabletop decorations. We find that to be true with earring display setups that adopt the modern look of metal and acrylic. With their malleable nature, tools with these materials often feature distinct looks and designs which makes them great picks if you want to capture the attention of the buying public. Perfect for business and home use, the design is often geared towards a young audience who can appreciate its appeal.

These are just some of the few pieces available from our store ready for you to explore and enjoy by simply clicking on the product names; accessories not included.

#PEW2316 Metal Wire Earring Display Rack

#PEW2316 Metal Wire Earring Display Rack

This curious-looking earring display rack makes for an interesting tabletop piece as it mimics the look of a clothes rack, only it’s downsized to carry earrings instead. It comes in antique silver and copper (shown in this photo) and is best used for dangling earrings or any type that features the shepherd hook-style backs. (Read all about the different earring types and earring backs here.)

They’re the perfect earring display tool for showcasing atop vanity areas and jewelry shop countertops.

#COP3684BK Metal Jewelry Display Jewelry Stand Hanger  Organizer

#COP3684BK Metal Jewelry Display Jewelry Stand Hanger Organizer

If the simple lines of the previous earring display device aren’t quite suited to your taste, perhaps one with swirls and decorative elements is more to your liking. This combination earring display (meaning the stand can be used by earrings as well as other jewelry types at the same time) features a mesh rounded bar in the middle which is removable so that hoop-type jewelry can be showcased. The bottom pan, meanwhile, can be used to hold stud earrings as well as rings. On the other hand, the hooks on the top part can be used to hang chandelier and drop earrings.

It comes in the colors of black and pink making it a versatile pick and a wise choice for shops that display different jewelry set showcases.

#COP129 Metal Copper Display

#COP129 Metal Copper Display

After featuring jewelry display stands in black and silver, how about one in copper? With floral design elements on top, this is for those with romantic aesthetics as their favorite design vibe. Dangling earrings of various shades and sizes will look great displayed on this stand. Even when not used as an earring display, this one particular item also makes for a sweet and attractive countertop decor.

#ES22 Cupid Wing Shaped Metal Earring Display Stand

#ES22 Cupid Wing Shaped Metal Earring Display Stand

How about an earring display stand with cupid as a focal point? Ready to display up to 10 pairs of earrings at the same time, this one features the mischievous god of love as an accent. If you want to go for drama and romance then this is the jewelry display pick to choose from. You don’t even have to wait until Valentine’s Day to display this one as this makes for an interesting decorative tabletop any time of the year.

#JWY609-3PK Clear Acrylic Display with Rose Gold Mirrored  Storage Base

#JWY609-3PK Clear Acrylic Display with Rose Gold Mirrored Storage Base

With a look that screams “feminine aesthetics,” this particular earring display holder meant for mixed-use is the perfect addition to any store that caters to a young customer base. The clear acrylic gives it a current look with the colored base portion adding a girlish flair to the whole piece.

It is indeed a beautiful jewelry display tool but it should also be celebrated for managing to hold up to 18 pairs of earrings at the same time. Additionally, the base holder can also be used to contain small hoop earrings and those that are considered as stud-types. Rings and gemstones are likewise perfect for that particular portion of the device.

#251-111 Metal Dancer Earring Display Stand

#251-111 Metal Dancer Earring Display Stand

This one is for those who prefer earring display stands that look like art. Shaped like a dancer or a yoga practitioner, this one comes in black (as shown here in this photo), gold, and silver. It certainly is an eye-catcher so you’d probably want a bunch of these figurines (try it out in all its available finishes) for showcasing at a jewelry store.

#HOM3025PK Acrylic Wall mounted Jewelry Stand Organizer

#HOM3025PK Acrylic Wall mounted Jewelry Stand Organizer

Now for those looking for a jewelry organizer that can be mounted on the wall, this beautiful piece is for them. Like many of the devices in our shop, this is one versatile item as it can be used for displaying earrings and other jewelry types on the wall but it can also be used as a tabletop displayer. Each acrylic hook is positioned at a 45-degree angle to prevent the items from slipping out. Besides jewelry, this one can also be used as a pretty key holder.

Friday, November 19, 2021

How To Boost Sales for Your Jewelry Store

Whether you’re an online or brick-and-mortar (or both!) jewelry entrepreneur, you need these savvy tips to remain successful in the industry.

A happy elderly gentleman working as a jeweler.

The pandemic has definitely caused huge upheavals in the jewelry industry. It has led to store closures and reduced operations but also opened up new markets and opportunities in the digital marketplace. Shoppers began buying for essentials but also made time to buy luxury items during the lockdown. Experts attribute this to buyers replacing their travel plans with jewelry purchases instead. Another reason? People wanted to look good while working from home and so many purchased jewelry to wear during video conferences.

Likewise, the imposition of stay-at-home orders compelled people to explore new hobbies and for many, it was the art of jewelry making they’ve come to love and eventually expand into a business. This group of jewelers turned entrepreneurs turned to online platforms to sell their wares online. All of sudden, many are taking their cameras to do product photoshoots featuring their creations showcased on jewelry display tools to sell online.

What this all tells us is that the jewelry industry is growing by the day, the pandemic notwithstanding. And with the nation now returning to near pre-pandemic conditions, the jewelry business is bound to get even bigger. The need to stand out will become a lot stiffer so here are some ways to be one of those who come out on top.

Be ready to adapt to the times

COVID-19 has certainly changed how we live our lives today and jewelry entrepreneurs are no different. A lot of adjustments had to be made to accommodate health mandates, changing shopping habits, and the shift to digital marketplaces. For those who survived and thrived in this new landscape, the keys to their success are adaptability and resiliency. Whether as a physical or online shop owner, the way to face business challenges is to accept changes and be ready for what may come.

Go for specific markets

You can stay ahead of everyone else by targeting a particular niche segment of the jewelry market. While many find success while catering to a general audience, you may be missing out on amazing growth opportunities if you don’t focus on a specific customer base.

There are plenty of jewelry styles in existence and specific types are preferred by certain segments of jewelry consumers. Why not look for an underserved segment of the buying public and see if you can pivot your business to cater to their needs?

Establish your brand’s identity

Oftentimes, success in business relies on being the more popular brand. That’s where the importance of branding comes in. Branding is the process by which a business establishment or even a person sets out to build a public identity through the use of distinctive images, themes, and personas. Want to stand out from the crowd and attract a consistent buying public? Start with building an identity for your shop.

The key here is consistency. Use your brand identifiers to shape the public’s perception of your company. Together with giving the public fine products and top-notch customer service, you can definitely earn the public’s favor by presenting yourself as a distinct and reliable jewelry establishment.

An elderly gentleman working behind the counter at a jewelry store.

Make it easy for customers to shop at your store

In the case of brick-and-mortar jewelry shops, this means maintaining a good store ambiance that people are actually enticed to come and enter your store. And how would you keep their interest long enough to stay around, browse, and eventually make a purchase? By making sure the shopping experience at your store is a pleasant one. This means the merchandise is showcased with care so make sure to use the appropriate jewelry display tools for your items. The retail space must also be kept neat, chic, and easy to navigate around. Browsing must not be a chore to the buyers so make sure your items are kept within eyesight and will not require them to stoop low or go on tiptoes to view your merchandise. Additionally, essential retail facilities such as mirrors must be on hand to help shoppers make the best jewelry choices. Most importantly having a knowledgeable and friendly staff contributes a lot to building the ideal shopping experience for jewelry customers.

For online shops, a comfortable shopping experience means having a website that’s easy to navigate around with pages flowing smoothly with one another. Quick load times, a well-planned layout, and having multiple options for payment and shipping are likewise essentials.

Offer promos and discounts

Customers love a good bargain, so make it a point to hold sales where they can avail themselves of discounted items for your store. Consider those days as a way to reward loyal customers and to attract new ones to come to your store.

Just remember to promote the events heavily to guarantee their success.

Be aware of the shopping seasons

Speaking of heavy promotions, you need to make sure to promote your products heavily during peak shopping days. Doubling your advertising efforts on the following days will mean doubling on your profits as well:

  • Black Friday
  • Cyber Monday 
  • Super Saturday (or the last Saturday before Christmas) 
  • Boxing Day/Day after Christmas (Dec 26)

Holidays, where jewelry is a popular gift to give such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Graduations, and even the period between Thanksgiving and Valentine’s Day considered to be “engagement season,” are yearly happenings that jewelers should pay attention to.

At the core of each tip discussed here is the need to provide a customer-centric approach to your store’s operations. As they are the source of your jewelry store’s earnings, make sure you’re doing everything to cater to your buyers’ wants and needs.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Why Your Jewelry Store’s Ambiance Matters

Setting the mood right helps contribute to your shop’s success.

Two persons inspecting jewelry atop a marble table.

Beyond giving top-notch products or services, there are plenty more reasons why a business becomes a hit with the public. One of these has to do with a shop’s ambiance. It consists of the physical space and appearance of the shop, but more importantly, ambiance relates to how these elements combine to create a certain feel or mood for those who come inside the store. Another word for this is “atmospherics” and it shapes how you will come to be perceived by your customers or even the public at large.

Ideally, an establishment should look attractive to its target audience and there are many ways that could be interpreted through the jewelry shop owner’s interior design choices. A lot of elements can help shape that image; from the choice of colors to the type of furniture and shelving used at a particular retail space, even the lighting and music played during operating hours determine how the public will come to perceive the ambiance of a particular business establishment. In the case of jewelry shops, the way the store is laid out, the jewelry display tools used, the choice of props, even the room scent help mold the atmosphere the shop exudes. Because these conditions have become deciding factors whether a person enters, stays, and returns to your establishment, jewelry entrepreneurs would be wise to pay close attention to their jewelry store’s ambiance.

Two ladies admiring jewelry on top of a marble table.

People spend more in places with a pleasant ambiance

The mood-setting actually begins even before any customer steps into the store. Does your storefront look inviting or not? Look at your signages and window display and see if they appeal to passersby, if not a storefront facelift should be in order. 

Entrepreneurs should understand that for many customers, shopping is their go-to activity for lifting a low mood. With that in mind, it makes sense to set up the retail space to be not just inviting but make the ambiance as pleasant as possible. People are more likely to enter a store and spend more if they find the experience pleasurable with zero hitches and mishaps. But beyond having all the right visual elements in place, one thing that sets a pleasant shopping experience is how a store’s staff interacts with the customers. A bright, cheery interior could not compensate for a retail staff with a sour mood so take the time to explain this concept to your staff and get them into customer service training workshops if possible.

Keeping the retail space clean and orderly should be a priority anyway

Indeed, creating a pleasant experience should not be done because you’re setting up to create a welcoming ambiance. Cleanliness and orderliness should be maintained at all times anyway. Without agenda, having a tidy space should come as second nature to any retailer. Any sign of clutter should be dealt with immediately by having people ready to pick up misplaced items and have them returned to the right place. Sweeping and dusting should also be done every day before opening and closing of the store.  From the products themselves to the jewelry display holders that are used as platforms, each one of your merchandise should be clean and in its pristine condition. Lastly, look at your furniture and see to it that there are no parts that are falling apart or that the gadgets used by the store are all working as they should be.

It helps set your store’s branding in place

Investing in branding goes a long way into establishing your shop’s identity to the public. Once you’ve set up your marketing collaterals with a unified color, font, tone, and persona, you would think everything’s already set, right? The way you set up your retail space, and in extension, its ambiance can also be a way for you to apply your branding rules. Why stop at having your logo, colors, and fonts emblazoned on your store’s shopping bags? Use the same elements in your shop’s interiors such as in the signages and posters. Likewise, think back to the tone and persona you apply in all your communications to the public. See how that could be applied when setting your retail space’s ambiance. It could be through your choice of music that you play at your store, the type of lighting you use to light up your jewelry display setups, as well as the fixtures you use to decorate the space.

It’s a way to attract your target market

It’s human nature to be curious about things that are interesting and in the case of jewelry shoppers, they would naturally gravitate towards shops whose style and ambiance reflect their own. It matters then that your store’s atmosphere matches up to the desires of your clientele.

Going niche can help you stand out in the jewelry market and ambiance plays a lot when you want to target a particular segment of the buying public. Are you for the trendy fashionista or the refined career woman? Does your store cater more to teens or those that are older and are into more alternative subcultures such as punk and goth? All the shopper personas mentioned each has their own preferred aesthetics and if you are targeting any in particular then it makes sense to tailor your shop’s vibes to one that appeals to their taste.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Best Multiple Earring Display Tools for Retail and Home Use

They’re the perfect stocking stuffers for the jewelry lovers in your life.

#WDT534BR Two-Sided Jewelry Display Stand

Still trying to find the perfect gift for your loved ones? It’s best to base your gift choices on the things that spark joy in their lives, and for those whose hearts go pitter-patter for jewelry, this list is for them. For big fans of jewelry, whether as a collector, maker, or seller, the perfect gift for them would be jewelry displays. These tools, such as earring display stands (which is what this article will focus on), are thoughtful and lovely gifts that are sure to be cherished by these jewelry lovers. Perhaps they’re looking for a way to organize their collection, well then imagine that it’s you handing them the type of gift that will help them with that dilemma ー you’ll surely be a hero in their eyes. Let us help you help them make their dreams come true with this article. Whatever catches your fancy, simply click on their names and it will take you to a page where you can learn more about the item and place an order.

Happy holiday shopping!

#WD3302-CF 2Pcs Set Wall-Mounted 30 Golden Hooks Jewelry  Display

#WD3302-CF 2Pcs Set Wall-Mounted 30 Golden Hooks Jewelry 

When looking for the perfect jewelry display gift, your bet is a jewelry display tool that can carry multiple types of jewelry at once, just like this one that you mount on the wall or the one used as the main photo in this article, which is the #WDT534BR Two-Sided Jewelry Display Stand. For one, surely jewelry collectors would have multiple types of jewelry from their keep, so having a multifunctional one would be a great gift for them. Likewise, these devices are space savers as they can carry multiple kinds of accessories. Because of these reasons, they would make for a wise buy for those looking to give their collector and small jewelry business owner-friends gifts this holiday season.

#JWY609-3PK Clear Acrylic Display with Rose Gold Mirrored Storage Base

#JWY609-3PK Clear Acrylic Display with Rose Gold Mirrored Storage Base

This is an especially sweet pick for jewelry lovers who have a taste for feminine aesthetics. The clear acrylic gives it a modern appeal but the rose gold base definitely injects it with an ultra-girly vibe, making this a perfect fit for young teens who are starting to build their jewelry collections. It’s not all about looks for this stand though as it can carry up to 18 pairs of earrings and other jewelry pieces such as rings and bracelets all at the same time.

#252-6L (W) Six Bar Earring Display Stand

#252-6L (W) Six Bar Earring Display Stand 

And then there are those who would prefer a no-frills type of earring display stand like this one. This piece can be used for hanging earrings like chandelier and drop-type earrings. It can showcase stud-type earrings too but they need to be attached using an earring card first before displaying them on the bars. No need to worry about the device tipping over as this product comes with a weighted base.

#WD1303-CF 3-Tiers Wooden Golden Aluminum Poles Jewelry Display Stand

#WD1303-CF 3-Tiers Wooden Golden Aluminum Poles Jewelry Display Stand

We could never recommend multifunctional earring display stands enough because they are just such practical choices for showcasing jewelry. In this case, this all-in-one device can carry all kinds of earrings plus bracelets, bangles, anklets, and necklaces. This one even comes with removal poles that can also be adjusted for height. Its look is something to also marvel over as it boasts the handcrafted wooden look, making it a perfect part of rustic display sets and retail concepts.

#214-8 Earring Display Stand

#214-8 Earring Display Stand

Neutral colored earring display stands are always a smart choice when it comes to picking devices because they will match with every type of jewelry whether they are made out of metal, crystals, wood, shells, beads, etc. They’re perfect for collectors and jewelry business owners who are going for minimalist display setups and who couldn’t be bothered by intricate designs or bright colors. On the other hand, these basic monochromatic stands would fit in with most mature and elegant retail setups making them versatile display pieces to own.

#ED-2147N-N21 Gray Burlap Linen Earring/Pendant Display Stand

#ED-2147N-N21 Gray Burlap Linen Earring/Pendant Display Stand 

A gray-colored earring display stand is another smart pick for those looking for understated elegance as a style inspiration. Adding another dimension to this item is the inclusion of texture that the burlap fabric gives the device. Again, this is most suited for those looking for something simple but elegant to look at with hints of earthiness, thanks to the use of natural linen as its covering.

#DE-413W Wooden Rose Shaped Earring Display Stand Set

#DE-413W Wooden Rose Shaped Earring Display Stand Set

How about another nature-inspired jewelry display stand? This lovely set is perfect for those looking to build a romance-inspired display setup at home or at a shop. This one is ready to carry five pairs of earrings each, for a total of 15 pieces. You can keep these stands spic and span for years to come by using wood polish to keep them pristine and in their best conditions.

#JWY6115 Acrylic Hanging Jewelry Storage Organizer

#JWY6115 Acrylic Hanging Jewelry Storage Organizer

Those with a large jewelry collection would especially like this particular jewelry organizer. Altogether it can carry up to 96 pairs of earrings, plus several necklaces, bracelets, rings, and bangles, thanks to its drawer and easel features. Hooks at the back of the board mean you can adjust the displayed necklace’s length to your preference. Another thing that makes this such a wise gift choice especially for jewelry collectors at home is that it cuts preparation time during dress-up. The transparent acrylic material makes pieces that are even inside drawers easy to spot, making deciding which jewelry to use much easier for anyone.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Make Your Jewelry Last With These Tips

The secrets to keeping your precious jewels last for a long time.

A pair of diamond rings on top of a Tiffany Blue-colored surface.

There’s a reason why jewelry is reserved as a special gift meant only for the people we love. The work that goes into turning stones and metals into beautiful, intricate designs requires a lot of painstaking work from sourcing to designing until the actual molding and assembly of each precious piece. No wonder they are often part of our personal milestones and celebrations as gifts for the value they hold. They’re the kind of presents meant to be kept forever so it’s important to learn the steps to keep them in their best condition for a long time.

From tips on how to match jewelry to the right jewelry display to learning the best ways to keep accessories scratch-free, this article will cover them all and more.

Clean your jewelry regularly

After a day of use, make sure to use a soft cloth to gently wipe your jewelry. This will remove sweat, oil, or dust on the jewelry’s surface. Left untouched, the same substances help speed up tarnishing making your pieces lose their luster fast. Likewise, you must perform a more thorough cleaning of your accessories once in a while. All it takes are warm soapy water and a soft toothbrush to remove impurities that the cloth couldn’t take out.

Conduct routine inspections for signs of wear and tear

While we’re on the subject of cleaning, you should also take the time to regularly check your jewelry pieces for issues, such as missing clasps, chain kinks, or stones that are about to fall off. Failing to do so leaves your jewelry vulnerable from falling apart or suddenly slipping off of you while in use. Prevent these accidents from happening by taking note of these problems so you can take them to your trusted jeweler for fixing.

Store them in airtight containers

As previously stated, moisture is the enemy of jewelry but so is air so it’s best not to expose your jewelry collection too long out in the open. If you have some of your jewelry collection showcased for display, it is recommended that you rotate their use and periodically replace what you choose to put out on your shelves. Slow down the tarnishing process by storing them in airtight storage containers. An alternative to this would be to store some of your jewelry pieces, especially the smallest ones such as studs and crystals, in resealable plastic bags. Don’t forget to remove all the air inside the bag before sealing it shut.

BXJ85 High Gloss View Top Wooden Jewelry Chest

Prevent scratches by choosing containers that are lined with fabric

While jewelry boxes especially those that come with lock and key, just like the #BXJ85 High Gloss View Top Wooden Jewelry Chest here, can be relied upon for jewelry protection, make sure they are also lined with fabric inside. 

Jewelry boxes often come with compartments so that collectors can sort their pieces in the right spaces. That is important as pieces that rub against each other lead to scratches and dullness on their surfaces. Compartments help in that aspect but you need to also make sure there is fabric lining which also helps prevent those jewelry problems from happening.

Keep those silica packs that came with your jewelry purchase

Ever wonder what those sealed white bags with small pellets inside are for? They are called silica packs and inside are silicon dioxide pellets whose purpose is to absorb moisture. They are considered drying agents and are placed inside most food packs and some jewelry packaging to avoid spoilage. Keep one inside a jewelry case or box to help with moisture reduction. Just remember to keep it away from children as it is considered a choking hazard.

Use jewelry display stands to prevent tangles 

Jewelry pieces such as necklaces and bracelets are prone to tangling when stored or displayed improperly. This happens when they are all just piled up on top of another such as in a drawer or tray. To avoid such issues, make sure to use the appropriate jewelry display tool for your jewelry pieces that are supposed to be hung. Use T-bar display stands for necklaces or devices that are specifically made to be used for displaying bracelets, such as bracelet trays and ramps. 

But what if you already found yourself dealing with a knotted bracelet or tangled necklaces? Simply use a toothpick or cotton bud plus baby oil to loosen kinks and knots. Oil is actually a safe and effective substance that will make the affected parts slippery thereby loosening them up and getting them ready for detangling.

Close up of a diamond necklace.

Avoid displaying your jewelry under sunlight or anywhere hot

For those jewelry pieces that you choose to display out in the open, make sure it is not located in areas where the sun may shine a light. Sunlight and heat, in general, have a bleaching effect which can cause some gemstones to go dull if exposed to them too long. Your best bet is to showcase your jewelry display setups in the areas that are cool, dry, and away from sunlight around your room. 

Speaking of sunlight…

Don’t wear jewelry while doing physical activities

These are any activities that may lead to your jewelry slipping off such as doing sports or manual labor such as gardening, household chores, and the like. While operating machinery, it’s best to remove any of your jewelry to prevent them from falling off or getting caught up in parts which could lead to major trouble.

Traveling with jewelry is also discouraged as it makes them prone to getting lost. If you really must wear them, then keep them to a minimum and especially avoid using those that are expensive to avoid attracting thieves. Wearing jewelry to beach trips is especially discouraged as exposure to heat and sand can lead to dullness and scratches when exposed to those elements long enough. Likewise, sunscreen lotions may also leave a hazy film when it comes in contact with your jewelry causing it to look dull.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

How To Drive Traffic to Your Online Jewelry Store

The essential steps to reach a wider audience on the internet.

A brunette woman working on her laptop outside a cafe.

Once you’ve made the wise decision to start an online jewelry business, the next strategic move you should do is to make sure people know about your shop and are actually taking the time to visit and explore your website.

When you think about it, the idea of running an online business is not much different from running a brick-and-mortar. If enticing people to your jewelry store requires dressing up your window display with your best merchandise on jewelry display stands and platforms, getting people to visit your online store also requires some promotional work on your part. However, since there’s no physical space online, enticing people to come to visit is a lot different.

Find out how you can drive traffic to your online jewelry store in this article.

#WDJ5033WH 3Pcs Wooden Freestanding Necklace Easel Display Stand Holder with Multiple Size
#WDJ5033WH 3Pcs Wooden Freestanding Necklace Easel Display Stand Holder with Multiple Size*

Take full advantage of social media

These days everyone is on social media so you better make sure you’re also there to promote your jewelry business. The most popular of these sites ー Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Youtube ー can drive huge numbers to your website once you’ve captured your target audience with your posts.

Businesses that revolve around fashion and style rely heavily on creating the image of an aspirational lifestyle which means your jewelry shop will thrive on a visual-heavy app, just like the social media apps previously mentioned. With this in mind, make sure to share visually-arresting content to your followers and potential new customers. Your posts may range from product highlights (make sure your merchandise, as well as tools such as bracelet and necklace display stands, are in their best condition for the photos), relevant trending clips, or informative videos. You’ll soon grow an audience once you find the best mix of posts that your followers like the most.

Once you start getting good numbers with your follower count then that opens a steady traffic flow from your social media pages to your website.

Conduct a full website audit

Oftentimes low traffic comes as a result of website issues. Usually, such issues refer to conditions such as dead links, sitemap errors, as well as slow loading times. These result in poor user experience which eventually translates to lowered site visits. Likewise, this also affects your website ranking in such a way that it may lead to the site’s downgrading in search engine ranks.

A full review of your online jewelry store’s web performance will help address these common issues and more. This can be done with website auditing tools which are available online and can diagnose problem areas that affect the traffic to your site.

Create great content about jewelry

Always remember that the entire experience of going online is driven by the need to find information. From searching up the open hours of a restaurant to looking up complex academic text for graduate-level courses, internet users are always on the lookout for content that will answer their questions. Google knows this so it looks at how valuable a piece of content is to readers looking up things online. The good ones are then indexed with the best ones ranked high.

The goal for every online business then is to produce top-notch content relevant to their industry in order to be indexed. To do that, look for topics and issues that are relevant to your customers. Next, you need to make sure that the content made from the chosen topics is created with the goal that it becomes a valuable resource to its readers.

For online jewelry stores, topics such as jewelry trivia, styling guides, even jewelry display ideas would make for great topics to develop content from. All the same, whether you choose to host your own articles or do it through guest posting, only good things can result from creating top-notch content for your business.

Make sure your online shop’s website is mobile-friendly

As more and more users go online via their smartphones, it makes sense that your business website should work well even on mobile. What this means is that the site’s layout should look as pleasing on a small screen as it is on a desktop or laptop’s screen. Likewise, the process of choosing, checking out, and payment for the jewelry orders should go without a hitch. 

Check your website on your smartphone by going through the different pages and doing some of the processes to see if everything appears and works as it should.

A pair of hands typing on a laptop.

Invest in online paid advertising

Sometimes your posts on social media need a little bit of push to reach more users. With paid ads (also called “sponsored ads” on some sites), you can do that by paying to run a post for a scheduled amount of time.  In this setup, even non-followers get to see your content. In some apps, you can even set up specific demographic criteria (e.g. female, 18-40, from Southern California) to your ad so that it only shows up to users that fit the details. This can be done via Facebook, Google, Twitter, or YouTube. 

Work with influencers to promote your brand

This is another form of sponsored ad, but this time involving working with an influencer. Influencers are popular internet personalities and in this form of online marketing, they serve as endorsers of your products and are expected to talk about it on their social media accounts. The goal is to draw attention (and hopefully conversions) from their large pool of followers. 

There are several ways to go about this: depending on the budget, a sponsored post from an influencer may come in the form of a static image post, a short clip (Instagram Stories/TikTok), or a full video. It is a growing segment in digital marketing that’s certainly worth exploring.

*Available on the Nile Corp website.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

How To Get Your Jewelry Store Ready for Black Friday

Prepare yourself for the biggest shopping holiday of the year.

Red balloons, a white shopping bag, and a backlight signage with the text, "BLACK FRIDAY SALE" on the screen.

We’ve seen it year in and year out: Black Friday (and its “sibling holiday” Cyber Monday) is a hectic time in the retail world. Small and big shops alike need to be prepared to accommodate the deluge of customers who will be availing themselves of huge discounts. It’s a great opportunity though for new businesses to get themselves in the game and boost their earnings.

That’s why we came up with this article to help out both online and brick-and-mortar shops to survive Black Friday 2021.

Take the opportunity to introduce new designs as well as slow-moving items to shoppers

Did you know that 30% of retail sales in a year happen between Black Friday and Christmas? This means the following days and weeks would be the perfect time to pump your jewelry business’ merchandise release.

Whether you get your stocks from suppliers or you make jewelry on your own, Black Friday is a great time to introduce new products to the shop.

Be generous with your Black Friday/Cyber Monday discounts

Shoppers expect huge bargains during the two shopping holidays so be prepared to give them what they want. Look at your stocks to see the pricing offers you can give to each. Another thing that you can give away to your customers as treats are bundled sale items. Again, study your merchandise to see which items you can combine to serve as your bundled offers.

Prepare shopping guides in the days leading up to the event

Along with boosting your shop’s merchandise releases, you need to also find a way to let people know about the new products you plan on displaying that day. This can be done with the publishing of shopping guides. This can come in the form of articles, videos, and or photos to serve as Black Friday teasers.

Be prepared to release them in the days leading up to the shopping holidays, so be ready to take lots of photos, videos, and have your merchandise and their jewelry display stands in their best condition so they can look great in your promotions.

Boost your email newsletters with content about the shopping holiday

The content you put out for Black Friday needs to be spread out far and wide so it’s time to also pump up your marketing output online. You can start with your newsletter’s mailing list. Entice your newsletter subscribers with eye-catching subject lines and content that highlights what they can expect for Black Friday, as well as Cyber Monday (if you’re doing both days). It’s important to highlight the products you will be offering, plus the discounts and give-aways they can expect. Shoppers love discount coupons so this is also a great opportunity to share codes and vouchers that they can use to get even bigger savings when the event(s) happen.

To gain even more subscribers, you can simply use pop-ups on your website to encourage people to sign up for your newsletter. The key here is to come up with good visuals, plus an enticing copy that includes a hard-to-resist CTA button.

A big red "SALE" sign displayed on a shop's window display.

Update your banners with Black Friday announcements

Pop-ups are just the beginning. You can also start promoting the shopping holiday with website banners. Place them in high-traffic pages such as your homepage so that they’re easily seen by old and new visitors alike. You can also dedicate entirely new pages for the products you will be highlighting for Black Friday as well as the promos and discounts you will be offering to the shoppers.

At the same time, you should also have your in-store banners and other signages up and ready to advertise the event.

Experiment with your promos

If there are marketing strategies you haven’t tried out yet then now’s the time to do so. Have you given TikTok or Instagram stories a try? They’re worth giving a shot especially if you already have a sizeable following in those communities. How about going old school like giving out flyers in-store or going on your local media to make the announcements? Perhaps a combination of online and offline promotions could work? Look into how your regular customers consume their content and start promoting on their preferred platforms.

Revisit your shop’s point-of-sale system

With the technology available for retail today, there’s no reason for you to limit your shop’s payment options. Check to see that your existing ones are working as they should and if additional sources are needed then those need to be set up right away. Cashless options are especially helpful as people are encouraged to use them to minimize contact between individuals.

Two women admiring jewelry on a marble table.

Get your staff ready for the day with refreshers 

It won’t hurt to give your staff a run-through of the day before everything becomes too chaotic to manage. This is especially true for brick-and-mortar jewelry shops, but even online-only shops may also need extra hands to help with social media marketing and website orders in the days leading up to Black Friday.

Along with refreshers, your store interiors will need a little sprucing up as well. Window displays need to be updated while the store’s jewel displayers such as your necklace display stands, ring risers, and bracelet T-bars need to be touched up and cleaned up as doing so will enhance the look of your jewelry merchandise. If they need to be replaced with new ones then it’s time to have someone in the staff purchase new ones.

Lastly, anyone who works in retail knows that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are high-pressure dates so it’s best to prepare the staff ahead of time with a pep talk to help them prepare mentally and physically for the day. As both dates happen around an important holiday, your business needs to be ready for back-ups and plan Bs should there be people who won’t be able to work on the day.