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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

7 Ways To Showcase the Holiday Spirit at Your Jewelry Store

Make sure you’re prepared for the festivities.

Male jewelry shop attendant behind the counter.

Christmas is just around the corner and we’re pretty sure you’re facing hectic days at your jewelry shop again. While some adjustments need to be made because we are still in a pandemic, shoppers all over are looking forward to showing their loved ones how much they mean to them by buying them gifts, and jewelry is one of the most popular picks. This means you may be facing some challenges especially if there are more shoppers visiting your business than usual.

We urge you to first take a breather and appreciate this as a blessing to be thankful for. Next, let us help you find some remedies to make your store operations easier to manage even in this busy season.

In fact, why not take a break now? Take the time to read this piece and learn the little steps to make things a little better at your store this Christmas. Afterwhich, you can return to tending your business’ holiday jewelry display showcase with a fresh and better perspective.

1. Boost your store’s holiday ambiance with Christmas atmospherics.

We’re pretty sure your shop is already decked out with Christmas decors and lights. However, you can always add enhancements to your already-existing setup. Aside from playing carols, you can also create the ambiance by using scents that will remind folks of the season such as pine and peppermint scents. You can even serve treats such as eggnogs during one-on-one consultations or as a premium offer for your loyal customers ー just imagine a little nook in your store where you can conduct these sessions.

You can also choose to highlight your jewelry merchandise that evokes a Christmas mood, like gold jewelry or gemstones in red and green. You can then choose to showcase them in jewelry display tools such as on wooden devices which look great with gold accessories.

2. Bring in extra help.

Lighten up the load at the store by getting additional manpower to help out. With more people coming in to shop, it definitely wouldn’t hurt to have more folks who can help out with the workload. Whether on a temporary or permanent hiring setup, this move will certainly be appreciated by your current employees and customers alike which means better moods for everyone at your store.

3. Be especially attentive to the needs of your customers.

While this advice should be applied throughout the year, it is most especially helpful during the holiday season. That’s because more buyers would be flocking to buy your merchandise not for themselves but for others. For a lot of them, this may be their first time buying jewelry so they would need a lot of guidance. Make sure it is a pleasant experience for them by answering their questions adequately, giving them space to browse, and being always ready to resolve their concerns.

Perhaps it helps to adopt the mindset that providing great customer service is a great show of a holiday spirit to help set your mood for the whole workday.

4. Be especially attentive to the needs of your staff.

Yes, you should also be extending the same care and concern to your employees. While there’s an air of merriment and festivity once December rolls around, for a select few working during December can be extra challenging. Feeling homesick may be more evident for those who can’t go home to their families especially with this year’s health crisis. For others, some may develop seasonal blues as the nights become longer and colder. Pay close attention to these happenings and extend a helping hand to those who may be struggling. Allow folks to take time away from work if they need to (here’s another reason why you may need extra help this season). Likewise, a little bit of financial help such as end-of-year bonuses for jobs well done can especially lift your staff’s mood.

A person (head out of frame) carrying Christmas presents wrapped in pink and gold wrappers.

5. Provide gift-wrapping services on site.

This is another great offer that holiday shoppers would truly appreciate. For many who are not great at gift-wrapping or those who are in a hurry to head off to parties, this would be a lovely gesture that you can extend to shoppers this December (or offer the whole year-round).

6. Set up your jewelry displays to cater for the holidays.

Again, remember that the typical Christmas buyer is a gift-giver so make sure to orient your jewelry display set-ups as holiday gift guides targeting specific receivers (For grandma, For your boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.). Be especially creative when creating holiday-inspired concepts to showcase items that will make for great gifts.

7. Allot rest stations around the store.

Shopping can be exhausting but most especially during the holiday season. Make sure to have areas where people can chill and relax as there most probably tired after a day of shopping. That will definitely add coziness to your store’s ambiance and will be much appreciated by buyers.

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