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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

5 Steps to a Successful Virtual Jewelry Presentation

Make sure you make a great impression online.

A happy woman taking a call on her laptop.

As the nation’s vaccination program continues to roll on, we’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We’ll soon find ourselves no longer donning masks and we can be with friends and loved ones once again without any worries. When that happens regular events like conventions and fairs can finally resume, and we’re sure the jewelry industry has great plans in store. For now, we’ll have to make do with doing things online like virtual trade shows and presentations. It might be your first time participating so we put together this article to help out.

For those not joining a virtual trade fair right now, this is also useful for those doing presentations for their online jewelry shops.

First of all, it’s not much different from doing in-person selling: you still need to have everything prepared ー from your merchandise to your chosen jewelry display stands and trays ー it’s just that you can safely do it in the comforts of your own home, and now here are the other things you need to know.

Have a script prepared or at least a list of points to focus on

Think of it this way: you wouldn’t do a school or work presentation without at least studying your notes and the same rule applies when you do a presentation for your business. Think about what you want to say, the points you want to highlight, and create a script as well as an outline for it. This will help you focus on the presentation at hand. Practice with a trusted loved one if you can so you two can work out any issue (if any) beforehand.  

Check your equipment to see if they’re working properly

Because you will be relying purely on your available technology, you have to make sure there will be no hitches to your presentation by double-checking if they’re working or not. Your essential tools are your computer/laptop, internet connection, video camera, microphone, and audio; optional would be a ring light. These will be the tools you will be using for your presentation. You may be expected to produce live content, a pre-recorded demonstration, a PowerPoint presentation, or a combination of two or all. If you have photos, links, or handouts then that will be much better.

A close up of a pair of hands opening a gift box with beads and bracelets.

Make sure your products and jewelry display tools are ready for presentation

Choose the ones that will best represent your brand the best. Check if your products, as well as your display devices, are in their best condition. Support tools that will bring out their beauty would be props and lighting fixtures so pick them wisely too.

Be ready with your communication channels to the public

This may also come in different forms such as live feedback during your presentation in the form of comments or a live question-and-answer portion after your presentation so they can probe you. This is a must as you would need to hear out your customers’ responses just as you would in an in-person presentation.

Use data to study the public’s response

Aside from these communication channels, you can use actual data to determine your success or not. This may come in the number of visits to your site, comments left on your social media pages, and actual sales figures that came out of your presentation. 

Make sure you have all the jewelry display stands and trays you need to have a successful virtual jewelry presentation, so go and visit Nile Corp today!

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