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Saturday, April 24, 2021

5 Solutions to Tricky Customer Situations

A how-to guide on how you should navigate retail selling challenges.

Two women getting handed their purchased items from a boutique.

There’s never a boring day when you’re working in retail. The different characters one encounters each day make for interesting case studies as many shop owners and attendants can attest to, and it’s no different when you’re manning a jewelry shop. Of course, because of the nature of the product, dealing with a customer buying jewelry will pose a different challenge than a grocery shopper, for example.

We’ve talked about jewelry display ideas and concepts you can use to showcase your merchandise in the best possible light before; this time let’s talk about customer relations solutions that will win you points (and inevitably purchases) from the people who walk into your store.

1. When they say they are “just looking.”

Just let them be. Have them browse around for a while, then when it looks like they are zeroing in on an item, have another one of your staff members approach (yes, you don’t send back the first attendant that approached or asked them). That way, the customer won’t feel hounded and the outcome may be more favorable to you.

Close up of an arm holding up a necklace.

2. When they are not sure what to buy.

This gives your salespeople the opportunity to ask probing questions. In a calm and friendly manner, inquire whether they are buying for themselves or for other people. Next, your attending salesperson should ask further questions like inquiring if they’re looking for a specific type of jewelry. From hereon, specific products can be shown, with their features to be highlighted during the discussion. It’s best not to be too pushy and to let the customer speak and be heard.

This is the part where the salesperson can also show how the particular jewelry can be worn or give tips on what styles fits it best. Start by showing the item from the jewelry display device it is on, then have it showcased on a display pad for a closer look.

3. When a customer is a “know-it-all.”

Now let’s move on to the opposite of the previous shopper type. They claim to know everything there is to know about the product and would not listen to your advice. The best thing to do here is to remain cool, calm, and collected. You can also indulge them, hear what they have to say, and give compliments.

4. When they start to question a particular item’s price.

The best way to handle this is to put emphasis that a high price corresponds to the item’s quality and rarity. Talk about the craftsmanship and value that went into the creation and sourcing for this particular piece.

5. When they say they are in a hurry.

Here’s an opportunity for your staff to shine. After asking the very basics of what your customer wants, take the reins and pick out one that best fits their needs and descriptions. Often customers like this will let you take control when it comes to style choice, as well as the product’s inclusions and packaging.

Don’t let customer challenges deter you from making that sale! Practice and talk about this with your staff and work together at creating a smooth customer experience for your buyers.

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