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Monday, November 25, 2019

Gift Shopping for the Jewelry Lover: Choosing the Right Jewelry Display

Picking the right jewelry display to buy is confusing. Here’s a simple guide that anyone can follow.

Christmas gifts wrapped in brown wrapping paper.

This Christmas, try out something different. Instead of gifting a beloved jewelry fan another piece, why not give them a jewelry display set as a present? The receiver will surely appreciate this kind of present as it is thoughtful and a bit unexpected. It marries both function and beauty, which any jewelry fan is sure to treasure.

Here are some ideas for you to consider before making your purchase:

Ask your intended receiver questions to give you ideas.

Before buying anything, find out a bit about their jewelry collection so you can match their needs. Do they own a lot of earrings, necklaces, or bracelets? This will determine whether to buy a single-purpose design or something that can present multiple types of jewelry. Do they have a large or small collection? This will tell you what size to buy. Be subtle about it so they won’t suspect anything.

Do your research online.

Guess what? By reading this article, then you are already doing this part of the shopping process, so congratulations! When buying something for the first time, it really pays to learn from the experts to help you make a decision. Aside from reading tips before purchasing, you can browse around the site to get ideas.

A variety of jewelry on display at a bazaar.

Choose colors and materials that best complement your receiver’s collection.

Jewelry display sets come in all shapes and forms. There are loads for you to choose from, but to make sure you are choosing the right one, take your intended receiver’s personal style as a guide on the type of jewelry display to purchase.

Does he/she own lots of necklaces? You won’t go wrong buying a necklace display piece. Likewise, when it comes to picking what color to buy, you won’t go wrong with choosing colors that complement the receiver’s existing collection. Again, you can scope out information by asking them about their collection.

Make it extra special by personalizing your gift.

For a sweeter touch, why not add a personalized approach to your gift? There are jewelry display boxes where you can have it engraved with the name of the receiver or any special word you can think of. That’s something anyone can truly appreciate and will undoubtedly earn you points with the receiver.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Newbie’s Guide to Selling Jewelry at Craft Shows and Bazaars

Follow our tips to stand out from the crowd.

A lady shopping for jewelry at a bazaar.

The holidays are a great time to explore opportunities to earn extra cash, and what’s better than joining flea markets and bazaars to show off and sell your crafts? People would be doing their Christmas shopping in the weeks leading up to this cherished holiday so you’ll have plenty of potential customers. Learn the best techniques so you can maximize your profit and exposure.

Do your research before joining.

Before anything else, do your research before joining a market or show. Not all craft bazaars operate the same way, so make sure you scout your picks first online or in person. Social media is a great place to look for prospects, but your local newspaper is a good source as well. You may ask for recommendations from people you know that have experience joining these markets.

Take note of the rules and guidelines before joining.

In some locations, you will be asked to provide everything like your own table, chairs, canopy, etc. Inquire ahead of time how the selling would be connected, so there are no surprises on the first day. Still, we would advise you to…

A pair of hands inspecting a bunch of tassels and necklaces at a bazaar.

Be ready for anything.

You’ll never know what’s going to happen so you might as well be prepared, so be ready with the essentials:

  • Extra merchandise (better to have overstocks than to run out of items to sell)
  • A variety of jewelry display racks and boards
  • Cash box with plenty of change
  • Pens, markers
  • Record book
  • Price tags
  • Extension cords
  • Safety pins
  • Paper bags for customers
  • Trash bags
  • Your phone
  • Calculator
  • Business cards
  • Food and water (have something you can nibble on, just in case the food trucks have long lines)
  • Personal items (sunscreen, bug spray, tissues, wet wipes, medicine)
  • A friend or two to help you set up, sell, and watch

A smile goes a long way.

A friendly seller would definitely attract more customers than a sour one, so wear a smile and wear it proud. Have just the right amount of salesmanship, but no so much that you end up turning off potential customers. Be alert and be ready to answer questions. Share tips on how they can wear your merchandise, or if you created them, you talk about the creation process. An even better idea? You can entice more people to your booth by conducting a demonstration.

Record everything.

This will help you keep track of your inventory, belongings, and earnings. Remember also to keep track of customer and supplier contacts for your future endeavors.

Good luck!

Monday, November 18, 2019

A How-To Guide for Caring and Maintaining Jewelry Displays

Essential advice for showing your merchandise in the best way possible.

Macro shot of a silver ring with crystals

A big part of running a business is to make sure you are presenting your merchandise in the most aesthetically pleasing way possible. Having a display that’s neat, clean, and attractive helps drive sales, and customers would be much more inclined to return for more. You can achieve that by knowing the proper way to care and maintain your jewelry displays and cases.

Let us help you show off your store’s wares by following our tips below.

Wooden jewelry box filled with different types of jewelry pieces

Tailor your cleaning method to the jewelry display’s structure and material

The wide range of options in jewelry displays means you need to adjust your cleaning methods accordingly. A necklace display is different from an earring display, the same way that a wooden display and a metal display would require different cleaning strategies. A simple one-size-fits-all approach won’t do, so you better have various cleaning tools and methods in your arsenal.


Make your metal displays last longer by avoiding the soak cleaning method. You never need to soak the metal in water – simply washing in warm, soapy water is all you need to do. Dry off using a lint-free soft cloth, and you’re good to go.


Wood looks best when it’s polished and dust-free, so make sure you have beeswax polish and a cloth specially made for wood polishing in your set of cleaning tools. Beeswax polish enhances the look of wooden surfaces without altering its color. Don’t forget to dust first before polishing your wooden jewelry display.


You may use a clothing brush or a small vacuum to remove dirt like dust or lint off the velvet surface of your displays. A lint roller or sticky tape works well at picking up dirt from your display’s velvet surface too.


Using cold water with a non-bleach detergent is the key to removing stains off of these surfaces. Use a cotton cloth dipped in this solution and rub using a circular motion to clean. Rinse using clean, cold water then just air-dry afterward.


Clear away dust by using a soft brush. For stains that are harder to remove, use a micro-fiber cloth with soapy water to clean the affected area. Blot, don’t rub, to avoid damaging the material.

Tips and tricks to cleaning your glass display cases

Cleaning your jewelry display sets won’t matter if your glass display cases are filthy! Make sure these cases that serve to protect your merchandise are neat, clear, and dust-free.


Keep your glass display cases spotless by having regular dusting sessions. Thankfully, its slick, hard surface requires minimal effort using a feather duster or soft cloth. You may also reduce dust particles in your store by using an air filter, just make sure you keep tabs on it, so it doesn’t get clogged.


Give your glass display cases that extra sparkle by using a glass spray cleaner, then wiping it down with a soft clean cloth or paper towel.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

What You Need to Know About Metal Allergies

Essential advice to help you stay healthy on the job.

A close up shot of an arm wearing several bracelets.

Some jobs come with obvious occupational hazards, like construction and emergency personnel jobs, but did you know that jewelers also face some risks when performing their professions?

Constant exposure to jewelry and metal makes jewelers at risk of developing skin allergies. Read on to find out what allergies may develop from working as a jeweler and learn how to spot and remedy these issues.

What are the signs you must watch out for?

“Health is wealth” as the old saying goes, so it’s important to be mindful of sudden skin changes and abnormalities so you can have a worry-free experience at work:

  • Skin rashes
  • Skin discoloration (some have reported seeing their skin turn to red, green, or black)
  • Dry skin patches that resemble burn marks
  • Blisters that may “leak” in some cases
  • An itching or burning sensation

What causes these symptoms?

Our skin reacts to different substances and items in different ways. Food, cleaning aids, even dust, and pollen can cause a reaction in some folks, while others will feel nothing at all. Metal is also a common allergen, and jewelers usually develop an allergy to it due to constant exposure. An allergic reaction is a result of the immune system reacting to a substance it perceives to be harmful.

A common metal allergy is nickel allergy. Found in costume jewelry, it can cause itchy blisters and redness through skin contact. Even stray traces of nickel or silver and gold-plated nickel can still cause an allergic reaction to more sensitive folks.

Another metal that has the potential to cause an allergic reaction is copper. The pink color in rose gold is because of copper; unfortunately, the same substance that produces such a beautiful color can also deliver unbearable discomfort to allergy sufferers. Take note that copper can also be found in pesticides and common items around the home like pipes and wirings.

Flat lay shot of a pair of gloves against a wooden surface.

What can you do to prevent developing a metal allergy?

Fortunately, they are many measures you can take to avoid this skin problem:

  • Wear gloves whenever you’re handling jewelry. Not only does it serve as a barrier between your skin and metal, but it’s also a way for you to ensure that you won’t leave skin imprints to your merchandise.
  • Proper storage and care are essential to prevent oxidation (which can cause skin reactions). Keep them in jewelry display cases or store them in safes if needed.
  • Avoid wetting your hands or skin while wearing jewelry as some metals don’t react well to water.
  • See a doctor and get a proper prescription for your condition.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Basic Store Security Tips and Precautions for Jewelers

Don’t let yourself and your wares become vulnerable to crime.

A welcome sign that says, "Please Come In."

Keeping the store and merchandise safe from theft should be every jeweler’s concern. While it is true that one can’t always prevent crime, there are plenty of safety measures that jewelry business owners and their staff can apply to keep themselves and their products safe.

Here are some helpful, practical tips that every jeweler must remember:

Always be on alert.

Staying alert at all times – from store opening to closing – should help you spot or be aware of everything that’s going on around you.

Upon arrival at the store, observe your surroundings and see if there are suspicious people or vehicles nearby. Do watch out also for broken windows or locks that might have been tampered the night before. It’s best to do this with one or two people so that you can all look for each other.

During store hours, greet your customers and look them in the eyes. Not only is this a good way of engaging customers, but potential robbers will know you’re keeping a close eye on them, which can serve as a deterrent.

At closing, remember to turn on your security alarms. Again, never let just one person lock up the premises.

Show your merchandise one at a time.

A pair of diamond rings laid on a leather surface.

While some customers may want to compare two or three pieces of jewelry, for your safety it’s best to show them one at a time. It is fairly easy for thieves to simply grab and go when presented with multiple items. Again, stay focused and give your full attention to one customer at a time.

Make sure you also have all your tools prepared when presenting jewelry to your customers.

Use reinforced glass for your display cases and windows.

It’s not uncommon to hear of jewelry robberies that involve the use of violence. Burglars, for example, may try to smash their way to get inside and steal your merchandise. To protect your store from such incidents, why not use reinforced glass for your display cases and windows? For the truly high-value items in your store, you may stash them away in a vault, or keep them in a secluded area for presentation and viewing.

Your jewelry display showcase deserves the best care, and these measures add another layer of protection and give you peace of mind.

Keep track of delivery people that come in and out of your store.

Aside from customers and employees, other people will come in and out of your store during business hours. These may be delivery people, repairmen, and the like. Make sure to double-check their identity whenever they visit your store. Always have staff on hand to supervise their movement and take note of any suspicious behavior.

Keep close contact with local law enforcement.

IIt pays to be proactive, so do not wait until you’ve been the victim of a crime before reaching out to the local law enforcement in your area. Inform them of any concerns you may have regarding security. They may be able to help you in checking whether your security system in place is right or needs to be beefed up.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Choose the Right Earrings for Children

The first time they get their ears pierced is a special milestone for kids.

Little girl in pink with her pet bunny.

Being a jeweler means being part of and guiding people during milestones in their lives. Aside from helping their clients pick out engagement and wedding rings, jewelers are also part of one of the most memorable life stages for little girls.

The very first ear piercing is a cherished childhood tradition that many kids and their parents look forward to. Choosing the right piercer is important, but choosing the right jewelry for this occasion is crucial too.

Make that experience a safe and happy experience for the parents and the child by learning how to choose the right earrings for young, first-time wearers.

Go for hypoallergenic options.

For the delicate skin of babies and children, it’s best to err on the side of caution. Avoid possible allergic reactions by choosing hypoallergenic options, particularly those that don’t contain nickel, which may cause irritation. Sterling silver, 14K or 18 K yellow gold, and white gold are skin-safe choices for children or first-time wearers of any age for that matter. Earrings with medical-grade titanium and plastic are great too – the latter is especially a preferred option for babies as they are gentle and won’t dig into their skin even while sleeping.

Make sure to have these options in your earring display cases to give your customers a wide range of choices.

Brown-haired baby girl in a red dress and wearing a Hello Kitty earring.

Say “no” to dangling and hoop earrings for now.

To avoid the possibility of getting their ears hooked during playtime or even at rest, it’s best to steer clear of dangling or hoop earrings for now. Post or stud earrings are the safest bets for babies and children until they are old enough to be mindful of their movements and surroundings. Make sure also that the earrings’ posts are much shorter than those made for adult earrings to avoid the possibility of their earrings puncturing or rubbing against their skin.
Additionally, simple non-flashy designs are good bets to avoid unwanted attention.

Look for secure and skin-safe earring backs.

Even if they go behind the ears, choosing the right earring backs is just as important when buying a pair of earrings for children. Again, make sure the material doesn’t contain nickel to avoid possible allergic reactions. You also have to make sure the earring backs are sturdy and can properly secure the jewelry to the child’s ears.

The best options are the specially designed screw-type earring backs that are embedded in high-grade silicone. Screw-type earring backs are much more secure than push backs, while the silicone material ensures the child’s skin is kept healthy and allergy-free. Plus, they are also lightweight and comfortable, which makes it the perfect choice even for babies.

Other earring back options like the french wire and lever back are best suited for older kids and teens.

Feel free to experiment with colors and designs.

While some parents may prefer simple designs, others leave the design choice to their children, and we all know children love colorful and bright things. Some hypoallergenic earring options come in pretty and dainty designs such as flowers and hearts. They can also be adorned by Swarovski crystals that come in different colors. You can be sure that your customers would appreciate you having these diverse design options in your earring display cases and showcases.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Helpful Tips and Techniques to Selling Engagement Rings

Engagement ring shopping can be a stressful affair, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

An Engagement Ring On The Table

Jewelers are every future grooms’ (or in some cases, brides’) best friend. Known for their expertise on jewelry, they must know everything there is to know about helping their customers make the perfect choice for such a momentous occasion.

If you’re new to the business and would like to learn the tricks of the trade, read on to learn more.

Make sure the displays are well-presented.

Jewelry display

Remember to make your jewelry display look as enticing as possible to make a sale, so make sure you present them in the best way possible. Keep things elegant, neat, and well-maintained. Avoid clutter as much as possible. Make sure your merchandise is kept tidy by steam cleaning.

Lend a helping hand to the customer.

Engagements are joyous occasions, but the steps leading up to it can be pretty stressful. Particularly for the nervous, first-time future groom (or bride), the experience can be overwhelming. Be there to give gentle support during this milestone. Ask about their preferences and do your best to fulfill their wishes.

Be prepared to deal with different customers.

Some customers may already have a design in mind, while others may have zero expectations or preferences when they come into your store. In such situations, it’s important to be flexible and open to these two different types of customers. Always be ready to come up with suggestions when asked for your opinion about the 4Cs: Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat Weight. Ask questions if needed.

Thread the money talk carefully.

It’s better to ask about a price range instead of an exact amount to give yourself a bit of flexibility when the time comes for you to make your recommendations. However, avoid asking the buyer if he/she is on a budget.

Go the extra mile.

Giving top-notch customer service should be your goal each time, but giving extra perks like offering to clean the jewelry they’re wearing or refreshments wouldn’t hurt. It shows you value their time and effort for visiting your store.