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Thursday, August 8, 2019

How to Use Pinterest for Your Jewelry Business

Utilize this image-heavy platform to market and sell your products.

Pinterest homepage

As with Instagram, Pinterest is the best social media platform to use if you want to use visual content to reach out to your customers. It's the best channel to pique the interest of potential customers and a great visual idea source.

So how can you market and sell on Pinterest? Today, we created a list of tips on how you can use this social media channel to boost your jewelry business.

Pinterest 3D logo in blue

Create cohesive boards and pins.

Avoid making your boards eyesores by carelessly pinning images. Make sure that the photos you pin are of high-quality and if possible, all have the same color palette. You can base this on the color of your brand logo or your brand's theme. Remember that you only have a few seconds to catch the interest of users, so make your pins and boards as aesthetic as possible!

Do not forget to add the correct links to the pins.

To successfully sell, do not forget to correctly add the actual link of the product page on your website. This is especially true with pins that you have created using the Create Pin button on your board and not with the red Pinterest Save button on the image. Without it, interested users would not know where to purchase your items. If you do not have an e-commerce site, you can add links to your other social media accounts, like Facebook and Instagram.

Dedicate a board for images of "actual jewelry."

By "actual jewelry," we mean photos of your jewelry worn by a model or by you and not items showcased on a necklace display or ring holder. Doing so will give the users an idea of how a particular piece may look on them. Also, they would know that the products you sell are "real," lessening their doubts and fears about buying online.

Don't just pin your products.

If your boards and pins are exclusively your jewelry for sale, they will become boring, and it may seem that you are hard-selling. Since Pinterest is a source of inspiration, why not create a board that inspires you and your brand? It could be an inspiration for a new design line for the next season or a board dedicated to your favorite designers. Just make sure that the photos you pin are still related to the jewelry industry.

Pin smart!

Lastly, you have to pin smart! If you are going to pin images that aren't yours, don't forget to give the proper credit. Make sure that you pin from the source or the original website where the photo was first uploaded and not from a shared Facebook post.

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